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Mr. Idea Box

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  1. On the one hand, Gundam on Prime is bizarre at best. On the other hand, this could be seen as a warmup before production on MGM's Voltron movie kicks up a notch. Either way, scratch that show off the prospects list for the foreseeable future.
  2. IIRC this is meant to be the first film in a trilogy. To that end, it looks REALLY solid!
  3. Oh, cripes. First Croker, now Lowe. Someone should check up on Andy, because he's the only one of three left standing.
  4. Well, at least Netflix isn't going to put it off their service... Right?
  5. Just popping in to say tonight's episode will be the last episode of DBZ Kai to air on Toonami. So, get comfy.
  6. Am I the only one who wants this short turned into a game?
  7. Honestly, I welcome the phasing out of Toonami Rewind at this point. And if that can be swapped with Two Piece, Lazarus, Blue Exorcist Season 2, and potentially an hour cut from the block, then that's good enough for me.
  8. I'm actually willing to hear their justification for a Green Lantern animated series styled after MAWS. At the very least, it's not the only show they decided to publicly announce today. Also, we have what amounts to the DC Comics version of Tiny Toon Adventures, named after the popular Kenner toyline. https://bleedingcool.com/tv/dc-studios-offers-starfire-green-lantern-super-powers-details/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=bluesky
  9. Then again... *dodges decrepit cabbage* ...so did Smash Bros. *gets pelted with a grand piano to the face*
  10. I think I have already found my opinion very well spoken on this matter, so instead I'll bring up how this adjustment is going on in conjunction with the Sunday premieres. Give IFG some slack for at least premiering on the block at first before going into immediate Toonami reruns. And yet, this somehow makes the predicted schedules seem a little better in hindsight. And it's only been three days.
  11. It's one of Adult Swim's most beloved shows, and for good reasons. But the fact it lasted long enough to make a Kingdom Hearts skit still astounds me.
  12. Okay, let's see here. Daima / Slayer: March: Dragon Ball Daima premieres as a headliner for Toonami. April: Lazarus and Blue Exorcist Kyoto Arc premiere on Toonami, while pushing Daima to 12:30. June: Naruto and Sailor Moon are replaced by Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village. Two-week Lazarus marathon. July: Season 3 of Primal and Blue Exorcist Shimane Illuminati replace both Lazarus and Kyoto, respectively. The 3 AM slot is dropped. August: Mashle Season 2 premieres on Toonami in Daima's old slot. Reruns of Lazarus replace reruns of Swordsmith. September: Rooster Fighter makes its television debut as the next block headliner. October: Demon Slayer Hashira Training both replaces and pushes Mashle back at the same time. Uzumaki and Housing Complex C marathon on Halloween-adjacent night. November: More of last month's usual schtick. Holiday marathons are Rooster Fighter in November and Hashira Training in December. New Shows: 6 existing properties, two original series. Stone / Blue: March: Toonami stalls all the way to April with more FLCL reruns. April: Lazarus is joined by Dr. Stone Science Future and Blue Exorcist Kyoto Arc. June: Swordsmith Village replaces Naruto and Sailor Moon as this month caps off with Lazarus marathons. July: Primal Season 3, Mashle Season 2, and Blue Exorcist Shimane Illuminati are the summer's new shows. 3 AM is dropped. August: Reruns of Lazarus replace Swordsmith Village. Nothing else changes. September: Rooster Fighter premieres on Toonami. October: Dragon Ball Daima and the next cour of Dr. Stone Science Future premiere as the new third-party pickups. Uzumaki and Housing Complex C marathon at the end. November: The only change at the end of this year is doubling up on DBZ Kai, which could ironically be a logical choice for their Christmas marathon at this rate. New Shows: 6 existing properties, two original series. Fools Gold: March: FLCL stalls away. April: Lazarus is joined by Blue Exorcist Kyoto and...a whole season's worth of old FLCL episodes. June: Swordsmith replaces SM and Naruto. Lazarus marathons. July: Primal Season 3, Mashle Season 2, and...MORE OLD FLCL. Plus, the 3 AM timeslot gets dropped. August: Dragon Ball Daima premieres, bumping Mashle to 1 AM. Those who aren't in the know are joyous. September: Rooster Fighter premieres on Toonami. October: Demon Slayer Hashira premieres at 1 AM. Uzumaki closes the night at the end, rather than opening it. November: Rooster Fighter Thanksgiving marathon. One of the most thematic holiday marathons Toonami would ever consider. December: Two Piece returns to Toonami, as does Double DBZ Kai. Four shows total in three hours... New Shows: 6 existing properties, two original series. Rewind Rewind: April: Lazarus is joined by Dr. Stone Science Future and Blue Exorcist Kyoto this season. June: Surprising the pessimistic crowd, Naruto and Sailor Moon stick around for now. Oh, and a Lazarus marathon bridges into the next month. July: Primal Season 3, Mashle Season 2, and Blue Exorcist Shimane are the Summer premieres. September: Rooster Fighter premieres on the block. October: Dragon Ball Daima and more Dr. Stone Science Future episodes premiere on the block, plus an Uzumaki/Housing Complex C marathon. November: Rooster Fighter Thanksgiving marathon, and a confirmation that the lineup has become lazy with how little it's really changed past 1 AM. New Shows: 6 existing properties, two original series. Maximum Rewind: April: A schedule change. Lazarus at Midnight, even more FLCL repeats at 12:30, One Piece bumped up to 1 AM, and subtitled Lazarus at 1:30. The novelty will wear off by July. July: After an extended Lazarus marathon, the new episodes consist of Primal Season 3 and Mashle Season 2. Yet more FLCL at 1 AM. August: Reruns of Lazarus swap times with One Piece, meaning Toonami viewers can go to sleep earlier. September: Rooster Fighter premieres on Toonami. October: Dragon Ball Daima premieres on Toonami. Uzumaki/HCC marathon starting at 12:30. December: Two Piece returns to Toonami, hopefully ending the Dressrosa Arc at last. Year Round: The reruns and new episodes are further apart this year than ever before. New Shows: 4 existing properties, two original series. Die with Lazarus: March: Better off sleeping in this month. Just catch the bumpers on Youtube instead. April: Lazarus is joined by more FLCL reruns and a more permanent Two Piece lineup. June: Toonami ends its Adult Swim era with One Piece burning off their remaining contracted premieres and a two-week Lazarus marathon. Chances of an actual send-off for this second coming are slim to none. July and Beyond: The scant few action shows on Adult Swim's radar premiere Thursdays on cable and Fridays on streaming services. My Adventures with Superman could see its third season written off outright. New Shows: One existing property, one original series. Frankly, either one of these could be how 2025 goes for Toonami at this rate. However, if I could pick a preferred future, I'd go with either Daima / Slayer, Maximum Rewind, or Dies with Lazarus. The fact that capping off Toonami with the premiere of Lazarus is one of the better outcomes is not a good sign.
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