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Everything posted by Hidden

  1. Hidden


    legosi aged 50 fucking years after that comment.
  2. this mangas cover pages have been amazing lately.
  3. Hidden


    its a small animal fetish, or its food.
  4. a hundred and who?
  5. "Victoria's a secret down there. They only got those big ol bloomers down in San Antonio." - Charles Barkley
  6. ^yup. 3 months? jesus. draymond....lol. so many people putting him on the spot now.
  7. man. watching houston fall apart near the end of their game vs brooklyn by just REFUSING to close the gap by going for easy 2's = missed 3. miss another 3. harden throws up a lazy 3. chuck a 3. theres another 3--brick. heres another--backboard.
  8. ok sodapoppin 🙄
  9. happy bday homie. enjoy ❤️
  10. Franken Fran Frantic 2 Wandering of Girls' Group No. 7 39-42
  11. ^yea forgot about those missed games. there was some comment about lakers not being where they need to be conditioning wise that got me saying what? i feel like being NBA ready at the start of the season for those group of guys should be second nature by now. knicks kinda got slapped around by the spurs yesterday but this Barret guy is looking good.
  12. yea i personally thought the clippers (espec. kawhi) was the reason why lebron couldve looked..not as effective? kenny said the same. i just know some people were talking about lebrons age which i was skeptical about because..he hasnt really shown signs of wear and tear to me.
  13. yup. everything nabraniel said. everyone expected the lakers, too...both teams were missing players (lakers missed rondo/kuzma, clippers, PG13, and the "others," as the inside nba desk likes to call them), but id like to think the loss of PG13 was greater than what the lakers were lacking, so i was supervised with the outcome. but yes..kawhi continues to beast. i just want to see him play all the time. anyone have thoughts on lebron? does it seem like hes getting old?
  14. Hidden


    louis, the master of farming brownie points. love it. wasnt expecting the animation style (but i can deal), but i was hoping for this to be pleasantly different, and it is. this somehow reminds me of that Jinrui anime from 2012..ill be sticking around for this.
  15. also--i love snoop dogg. im behind everyone but at least an hour..still watching pre-game show :X
  16. speaking of lebron i didnt even know he was playing today..and we get inside the nba action too? im ready.
  17. Sukeban Deka
  18. damn i did not expect to see disstracks when i came back to this thread lol. i dont know why lebron even said anything..not because he should or shouldnt have given his opinion, but why do you want your name constantly in peoples mouths?...idk thats just me. i dont want unnecessary attention. anyway its almost our time again boys... October 22nd.
  19. No Guns - came for the possibly good plot, stayed for the music which put me in a nice mood and MC. this does seem kinda interesting though, which is weird, because i feel like ive been dodging shows like this as of late. looking forward to the next few to see how i feel. Rifle is beauuuuuuuutiful - this seems like good background noise for now. but im not sure how long im gonna want this to play without putting it on mute.
  20. im still laughing at the way they reacted when they opened their textbooks and saw the equations. goddamn. @Gina Szanboti
  21. rip. she was a bad bitch.
  22. people dont like fire force? huh. i dont think its anything special, but im enjoying it. kono oto S2 starting off so strong...i can already smell that 10.
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