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Everything posted by Hidden

  1. Canaan
  2. Maya-san no Yofukashi 8 Monkey Peak 12 The Year We Turned 29 16 Cursed Sculpture 34-35 - this man just pulled a Lupin the III...mask on for all his life. Soul Eater Not! 31[End] - 7/10. this just inspired a soul eater rewatch..might even reread it at some point but not sure.
  3. Un-Go
  4. Ergo Proxy
  5. Owarimonogatari
  6. School Ningyo 10 - this is fun...true. Soul Eater Not! 20
  7. Taiho Shichauzo
  8. Sakura Trick
  9. Lovely Complex
  10. when you find a nice picture outside your nice pic folder because its from five years ago. To Love-Ru Darkness
  11. Re-kan 2 - never thought id laugh so much at a girl who looks at nothing.
  12. Railgun 102-120 - damn dude its good to be back. these ladies are so fun. now to not fall behind again. Shadows House 22 - the fucking debut starts next time...shiiiieet. Gakkou Gurashi 63 - now to catch up on this.
  13. ok i see now. so yea, this one is a little difficult for me, because on the one hand, i'm noting her mischievousness (even though the nature of this was fairly tame), and her waning confidence as reasons why she decided to act this way, but i think i'm in your boat with my feelings..ultimately, i see this change, and regardless of how she acted in the past and what might be going on with her now, i'm still super taken aback by what she decided to do for love. scoob again makes a good note with the resentment point, but yeah--i personally walk out of the manga wondering what the hell happened to her..you saying "it doesn't feel good" i think describes things perfectly, because i don't think i'd expect that level of crazy from her, and would even be a bit sad about it if i liked her enough. so do i blame the author?....again, maybe that's just her brand of...competitiveness (difficult to say--as in it feels difficult to support this level of crazy given what i know). But man, i might go with the author on this one..i'm leaning towards this being too over the top for her character. on a side note: and thanks for making this topic. reminded me of the days when there'd be all sorts of cool anime discussion in OA. <3. @imchapp.in
  14. that spoiler seems super desperate--not to say those actions aren't believable, though. this makes me curious about her past..like whether or not she has these sort of possessive tendencies, or if she has a complex about being second fiddle to her sister or in general (which could perhaps be tied to her being a successful actress, always in the spotlight--if that's the case). Maybe the author sheds light on one of these things later? I wonder.. but if you're bringing this up, i guess that might mean you haven't seen any signs of negative behavior up until this point (even to a subtle degree), in which case i myself would be surprised by what she's doing. But I'd be anticipating the end just to see if this sudden personality change is justified in any way..that might be where I officially make my choice about whether this character was flawed, or just forcibly turned into a villain. scoob's first two sentences had me thinking about some of this. made me wonder if there's some context i'm missing that could explain this wild behavior to simply be a character flaw.
  15. this is where you can start blaming the author, I believe. Once you're sure that this is the reason why the character reacted in such a way, you're free to question the author. But it has to be clear; the actions need to be absurd enough to warrant the blame, because of course we can't forget that people will sometimes act unlike themselves depending on what is affecting them in their lives, and how they suddenly feel they need to act in order to bring happiness to themselves. Humans can be desperate...and can act horribly even if they normally wouldn't, all the while feeling regret even as they act out in the way they choose to.
  16. FINE i fucking did it OKAY?
  17. Hana ni Arashi 56-60 - and now its Chidoris turn to get jealous huh. bring oooooon the drama i suppose...what is yuri without a friend from the past whos also all about the yuri life? Railgun 89-102 - i forgot how fun this manga was..and how much i loved seeing misaka fight and kuroko be kuroko.
  18. Hana ni Arashi
  19. Akebi's Sailor Uniform
  20. utena set 2 $20...down from 50.... ....... ..............
  21. shit maybe i should check out those utena boxset prices... maybe some kasane volumes too...to have those volume covers in my hands ughhhhhhhhh.
  22. was wondering what that was. the visuals have already grown on me after that trailer. i prefer fujikos other designs but this will be nice. jigen looks great.
  23. kono oto tomare for a good music show if youre in the mood. @Cidz
  24. This Love That Won't Reach 27 - ....fucking snake BITCH. The Year We Turned 29 12
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