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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. Your loss man. It's actually very nice.
  2. Don't be punk. Ride the red tide.
  3. Everyone acts like that when they get horny. I would say women are more polite or even subtle about it
  4. Why do you even need to ask?
  5. Yeah but some are more memorable than others.
  6. I don't recall that user.
  7. That fucking tiny ass font. Drove me crazy and not in a good way.
  8. I don't know why but this reminded me of the spoon. He'd always end a post with "The spoon has spoken!"
  9. Neither am I. Ron Swanson.
  10. I thought so. Could change over time though.
  11. In a sense yes, in a much more real personal sense no. Tragic as it may be.
  12. I don't know you so I'm gonna guess no.
  13. Anything really.
  14. Well you know what they say.
  15. True but let's not act like he wouldn't do that. Also he strikes me as the type to bait people into kissing while "sleeps"
  16. Maybe he should really go to OKC. Might be good for him.
  17. Odd both are dick shaped.
  18. Honestly if be fine with zeni if he got a new thing. OKC has run it's course.
  19. Well this was more information then I bargained for.
  20. I know that feeling. Some people just don't know when to quit.
  21. Nah, you don't tell the runt of the litter where the gold at.
  22. I mostly knew him as the green hornet so I don't recall that Icon.
  23. Not fucking around I see.
  24. From what I recall it was some bad depression. I don't remember what the tipping point was. I remember his icon with that knife and hat with the feather in it.
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