I was reading something today and the posting style reminded me of Ice Faerie_Green.
Weird but distinct posting style, who's posting style has stuck out to you guys?
So I'm closing by myself and that's at 10 tonight, I've been solo since 4:30.
Do any of you guys ever shop that late which would warrent a store to be open til 10?
Yeah I'm still a gen behind, so many games left to platinum.
I just started the Metal Gear Solid Collection, I went with MGS2 because it should be the quicker of the 3 games to platinum.
Cool, look man if you ever really want to change things about your life then I'd be more then happy to give advice and tips.
As of right now it'll just be all flash and no substance.
I believe the term you are looking for is truthful.
Gotta find a new thing man, like Zeni with his OKC threads.
There's just nothing left at the bottom of this well.