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Icarus27k last won the day on February 22 2024

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About Icarus27k

  • Birthday 09/09/1984

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  1. Jacobin is a cosmopolitan, left-wing magazine that is pretty newish. But over the years, I've realized they publish some dumb crap. Dumb people pretending to be intellectual is their whole thing.
  2. I've seen people do it more than a few times. They will tweet an angry, super-serious statement like, "How DARE anyone do this?" and the statement/pic/video they are responding to is completely innocuous. Here's an example. They are apparently being sincere. That is, they are so wrapped up in their own ideologies they are angry about something that wouldn't make a normal person angry. Additionally, they just expect others to know what they are talking about.
  3. I know a guy who moved to Japan and has made a life for himself there. He was the one who broke this news to me. "Did you hear about Red Lobster?" It must be pretty serious if the breaking Red Lobster news is making it all the way to Japan.
  4. Enough chit chat. Let's just get to the RFK worm stuff.
  5. While somewhat on the rhetorical side, I agree with this op-ed's opinion that Russia doesn't have the capability to attack a NATO country (they don't even have the capacity to attack non-NATO Ukraine). Therefore they won't and the fear that they will is unfounded. Russia remains, and is likely to remain, in term of both numbers and quality, at a military disadvantage to Nato. But not only would Russia lose quickly; Russia neither has the intent nor military capability to launch an armed attack on Nato in the first place. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/russia-will-not-attack-nato/
  6. I'm all for cynicism (the world sux; Trump is never going to be brought to justice). I see no harm in it. I just don't think it's realistic. The criminal justice system has a kind of assurance about outcomes that politics doesn't. When you're charged with 91 felonies like Trump is, you're not going to get away with all of them. The person charged with that many probably will go to prison.
  7. If a judge's ruling is "future violations of this order will result in incarceration," they mean it. I'm sure a lawyer would give the same advice.
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