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Odd Man Rush

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Everything posted by Odd Man Rush

  1. Just to name a few Silver Surfer PIctionary EEK The Cat Aaah Real Monsters
  2. I really hate bad games with great soundtracks. To me it just seems like a waste of an OST.
  3. These retro reverse had me thinking of things in the NHL that need to go... 1. Outdoor Games 2. Third Jerseys 3. The playoff format and the current divisional alignment 4. The All Star Game 5. The NHL Awards show
  4. Here the new retro reverse jerseys
  5. Here the new retro reverse jerseys
  6. Season starts tonight
  7. This bitch ass team took it up the ass without any lube
  8. I definitely earned that beer today
  9. 👀
  10. For once YouTube got right when came to recommendations. Last week I was trying to remember the name of this old cartoon I used to watch after school in the late 80s or early 90s. I knew it was some kind of a cop show but forgot what the premise was but the few things I remember was the outro because they did a roll call of all the main characters and also that one of the characters reminded me of McGruff the crime dog. And wouldn't you know it someone just made a video about this cartoon 3 days ago and it popped up on my recommendations. So kudos to YouTube for actually recommending something I was actually looking for.
  11. Not even 40 years old yet and I've already become a grumpy old man
  12. There's only so much cringe I can take
  13. Ok for once I didn't mind that a woman said that I was handsome
  14. The new girl at work is cute and she thought that joke I made was funny
  15. Good boy? Bitch do I look like a fucking dog you old hag?
  16. I fuck with those who can make me laugh on a consistence basis
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