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Odd Man Rush

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Everything posted by Odd Man Rush

  1. No can do, Sunday night is anime night in my household
  2. Life's a bitch and all that stuff
  3. My New Year's resolution is to beat Earthbound
  4. Can't help but feel that dark days are ahead
  5. WWE vs. AEW in a nutshell
  6. Had to get a new phone today with a new number and new account which means I lost all of my contacts. That got me thinking that as of right now there are only three phone numbers I know by heart in my lifetime 1. Work 2. My grandparents old home phone number 3. The woman that took my virginity
  7. No matter what I will continue to keep a heavy foot on their neck until they get it right
  8. I want to talk about it but I'm just not sure if now is the right time to talk about it
  9. Honestly them making the playoffs isn't good enough for me. If the Lions want to get my attention then they need to win a playoff game
  10. You have my sincere condolences, and for record I am not on that Lions bandwagon, I know better
  11. I don't think I can recall a time where I've been so agitated around the holidays as I currently am now
  12. I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination but I guess it hurt to appeal to the "higher power" Dear whoever, Just let this happen
  13. So we're having a potluck and a secret Santa at work...fuck it I'll participate. Hope they like tuna salad and 5 dollars worth of scratch offs
  14. I just can't bring myself to do laundry at home anymore. I just prefer the laundromat even though it costs more and it requires me to actually leave the apartment to make trip, it's just a more reliable way to get my clothes cleaned than having to share one washer and one dryer between 12 other tenants
  15. Cheers
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