One time I spied a seeping lass
on the other side off of the turnip grass
She spoke to me in a tone so sweet
did’ya evah do time with Stoney and Pete
Now apples to apples and grapes to grapes
i cannot say more with my mouth so agape
a rigly ol’ worm sat beside us in bed
encompassing Stoney’s mouth and her head
you mustn’t respawn and you shall not reflect
for soon your life’s blood will be thine neglect
we look at each with mal-aligned grins
for only these vessels can nestle a chin
what happened that day and what turned to be true
the apple was me and the worm it was you
for crying disciples and plentiful waste
we do not with harm and haste we shan’t make
I’m just thinking about how much I want to love a bird. Boop its sweet beak. Emulsify those tender wings. Teach and condition it to use a 26 letter alphabet. Yep