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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Def not. We just homie that watch anime together but I liek him.
  2. I think I'm a really good friend type. He just denied to watch anime with me right now. lmao
  3. You guys, I'm fucking pussy! >__> Plus I dunno, if I want to fuck someone, I want them to actually like me.
  4. I'm too much of a chicken
  5. Like yeah? Cause he is a nice guy who cares about female feelings so he has a lot of female friends that he also bought gifts for.
  6. Yeah I mentioned him once in the beginning of the semester. lol Camo guy isn't really a friend in my life anymore, been hanging out with this cool weeb who is 100 times better. But I'm so intimidated by how cool and great looking he is, and basically watch other girls pursue him while I am too scared to do anything. XD
  7. I think I mentioned in my blog type posts in the past that there was this weeb with long hair who is an astrophysicist who I enjoyed talking to but am to chickenshit to pursue. Well, idk it hasn't been the best semester. Among dropping 3 classes, and ending one on an incomplete, I also went on a cabin trip with our house along with him and the other girl who was actively pursuing them. And long story short, I was watching him rub her and be all close to her from like 3 feet away on k. So yeah, I got the huge impression he didn't like me, and tried to keep my distance. And I think he didn't like that, because after that, he started to reach out to me more? Like he started sending me more anime memes and eventually we started watching anime together. First it was a few episodes, but once in awhile, we will watch HxH from 11 at night to like 5 the next day or something equivalent. I kinda got insecure, and saw them talking again, so I recently suggested to him that he should spend more time with him, cause she is a nice girl. But he told me she is just a friend. The thing is, I could be just a friend too. And that scares me cause he seems like a great guy. Plus I'm still 4 years older than him, while most girls in the house are younger than me. He also seems like a guy into a ton of different band and knows how to play the guitar, but I don't know shit about that stuff and feel like an idiot. And there are times when he talks about cringey weeb behavior and I get a little paranoid because I engage in the upmost cringiest of cringe weeb behaviors. >__> Yet he still likes to hang out? He got me a Kuro Sensei tote bag cause he knows Assassination Classroom is one of my favorite animes. Gaah I hate feeling emotions. >__>
  8. lol no worries, I'll send them if there are enough people in a big raid! ^__^ Also guiz, my sn is jackiemarie92 apparently 90 and 91 were taken. >__>
  9. Imma scared!! lol I feel like the next move is about me cleaning my room and inviting him to watch anime with me.
  10. I mean, girls can like guys for a variety of reasons, but its best to be yourself I feel, cause that you can find someone who will match your lifestyle. The first guy I was interested in cal didn't have big arms, so I wouldn't get hung up on that one small detail.
  11. Oh my god you are like my older sister. No I think the next move is, hey lets watch anime in my room and smoke and cuddle. XD
  12. Why have something not nice to say? XD
  13. I don't like long distance relationships. >____> I don't think really anyone on the boards had a chance, no offense to everyone, I just want to avoid a complicated relationship for now.
  14. I hope so. He already knows I'm a loud, clumsy, and obnoxious but I think his friends don't quite like me yet.
  15. Yeah I think the group agrees he will now be known as red pants guy. XD
  16. To know what type of pants you wear
  17. Aren't like half the people here men in my life technically?
  18. Idk, I haven't checked? I just like his big arms, I want them to hug me but I'm afraid to ask!
  19. Petition has been noted, just waiting for the group consensus. XD
  20. 🤣 I'm scared to even ask to hang out! My idea is to show a horror movie tonight in our movie room, and hopefully he will show up.
  21. Jeans, regular black, gray, red pants
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