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Order of the Loch
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Everything posted by CartoonPlanet

  1. Okay Stef or whoever you are.
  2. I really don't want to read what I know is already going on in Discord. I'm being made fun of. Awesome.
  3. Same
  4. I've learned that lesson over and over again. Guess it's time to learn it again. Oh well.
  5. Who coincidentally has the same post count as me ❤️ Or did, anyway.
  6. Everybody, to anybody who is angry at me, or whatever, I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
  7. To be honest I don't really know either. I'm just having fun with it at this point.
  8. Wow, that's relatable.
  9. Don't worry, this jackal is leaving you alone. So you can stop talking to yourself.
  10. Look, I'm just tired of this stupid fucking mind game. I came back to apologize but I can see that will do no good. So I'll stop bothering you.
  11. Awww you're so thoughtful ❤️
  12. Everybody is welcome to make accusations to me in this thread. Just to make things easier. Trolling never gets old does it?
  13. I love how EVERYTHING is about politics. I love the world we live in.
  14. Hilarity
  15. Lmao that's hilarious.
  16. Nope.
  17. I didn't know Facebook was a fake website. What else is fake? Me? This website?
  18. Which thread should I answer this in?
  19. I'm too tired to decipher messages.
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