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Order of the Loch
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Everything posted by CartoonPlanet

  1. A man walked into a bar, he's an alcoholic and it's destroying his family.
  2. Touché, you win this round!
  3. Programming
  4. I thought so too.
  5. One of the funniest Futurama moments.
  6. Mild
  8. Glad I'm not the only one lol I'm gonna have to look into getting the mobile version of this place too.
  9. Nice! I'll definitely have to pop in one of these days then. Just so awkward cause I'm working graveyard shifts now so I'm asleep when everyone is awake lol
  10. Nah, haven't gotten that yet. I may try it out one of these days.
  11. Oh shit I know you too! I've been alright, just working and sleeping. Thinking about going back to school. How about you? Glad to see you're still around!
  12. Beautiful.
  13. I read this as who hates guns?
  14. Gotta love the classics.
  15. How'd you know my middle name?
  16. The line is too long. Let me speak to a manager.
  17. I'll shut the door but it's gonna be ground zero in there.
  18. or whatever Sugar Ray said.
  19. Sounds like quite the trip!
  20. Whatever gets the job done!
  21. Nothing is normal anymore. Are we even awake?
  22. Time
  23. Dance
  24. I'm still trying to figure that out. This is like The Twilight Zone of ASMB.
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