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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Moist?
  2. JeNewBee


    It won't let me
  3. JeNewBee


    My best guess is because we are slightly off
  4. JeNewBee


    Error occurred
  5. Oh
  6. What?
  7. Trust me they know
  8. Know it's a know fact on here Because I'm always whining and bitching about it on here
  9. How do I make it one!
  10. Probably the oldest out of all of them also
  11. I'm not even in the running No one thinks I've got a chance
  12. Dude no.... That's your cousin!!!
  13. I'm not going to cry you won't see one tear Fall from these eyes
  14. I don't follow What?
  15. Like a show stopper but with threads
  16. JeNewBee


  17. JeNewBee


    I am awake too early as well
  18. JeNewBee

    Oh hiya

    / \
  19. JeNewBee

    Oh hiya

  20. JeNewBee

    Oh hiya

    <3 -_' <3 :brownbottle: :brownbottle:
  21. JeNewBee


    Sounds like the ghouls from "The Fog"
  22. Wow didn't expect so many replies so soon!
  23. JeNewBee


    That usually end with me hating myself and yelling in violent rage
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