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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. JeNewBee

    Hey yo

    I know
  2. Does on mine After I fixed it
  3. JeNewBee

    Hey yo

  4. [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  5. Shut up starfish 8)
  6. You are a starfish...So your logic checks out! 8)
  7. * starfish
  9. Everybody needs a hobby
  10. SILENCE!!
  11. JeNewBee

    Quick question

    I feel like this is just a ploy to get nudes..
  12. I did and you should respect my wishes!
  13. JeNewBee


    If you ever want to go there I know a cheap cabin to rent in Lake Tahoe Just PM me I'll give you the info
  14. I did
  15. Missed what? ...wait....NO POST IN HERE!!
  16. JeNewBee


    Go north!
  17. JeNewBee


    I don't Cause I'm still here Muahahaha
  18. I told you not to
  19. JeNewBee


    Wait so how did this story end?
  20. I see you! I'm serious! Don't you dare!
  21. People with their tongues out make you hungry? Tongues aren't food dude
  22. S: -_' thread did way better on the old boards
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