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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Who was that a reply to?
  2. It's what I do Not even on purpose Just seems to come naturally to me
  3. Dirty girl
  4. They know But that is part of your charm dear
  5. If you were to join it would be a Hexagram
  6. A 40 duct taped to each hand
  7. *is consumed*
  8. Sorry to hear that
  9. I'm back Reporting for duty
  10. ::HMM:: <3
  11. whut *walk out of room slowly*
  12. ... ....just stop
  13. Peter Wolf is still kicking though So that's the good news
  14. That one drawer you've got should be able to take care of those for you
  15. I was looking into the mirror To see a little bit clearer Rottenness and evil in me
  16. I'd give him less Also not allowing original members of Deep Purple to preform at the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Induction ceremony Because it would hurt his ego Also the legal crap that happened to Rod Evans He can no longer get royalties from the three albums he was on
  17. You know it's true That sounded terrible admit it
  18. But you've heard the song Hush and Smoke on The Water
  19. Rod Evans was the best singer of Deep Purple Ian Gillian sucks
  20. Hand shake games? You mean Patty Cake? Isn't that a more high five like game?
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