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Everything posted by kujojosuke

  1. Roundabout is like 8 minutes, they use a bunch of different cuts from it. Also the show isn't really making Nazis look good. Every single one has died a horrible, violent death, caused by them fucking with things they never should have touched.
  2. What? No, that's wrong. He's the son of the baby Erina and Jonathan had. He has Jonathan's star birthmark on his neck.
  3. It's really the last 3 or so episodes, mostly an issue with character art and key frames, and they got fixed up a bit on the bluray release, so it's not that drastic. Part 4's anime in general has the best production values and direction/storyboarding, but even it has a slump of troubled episodes in the late 20s-early 30s, but it sticks the ending episodes production-wise
  4. What? The first season of the show looks like ass. It hides it really well with well made still shots, all the color shifting and such, but for the majority it's barely animated, has bad CG (which is really awful in...episode 22 I think), and is still full of really jank key frames. It's a little cleaned up in the Toonami/home release, but the episodes as they aired generally looked pretty awful compared to almost everything else that was airing at the same time. SDC's production is about 10x better than PB/BT's. Until the last stretch of episodes, where it kinda falls apart.
  5. Name altered for trademark, his name is actually Santana in the original manga/anime, but in the dub it is Santviento
  6. The manga is celebrating its 30th anniversary this month. And it's still running at Part 8. Part 4's anime finished a few weeks ago, no announcement yet about Part 5.
  7. I mean, it's Dio's "soul" in the idea that he's got the same kind of ambitions, and he was influenced by what he saw Dio do, but Straizo made his own choice to vamperize himself and kill a bunch of dudes. But like, his actual soul, uhh no, not at all.
  8. Anyone who says Part 2 is the best is wrong because 4, 6 and 7 exist.
  9. Dire is awesome because he really sucks but at least he manages to piss Dio off, even if he's only a head at the time. Parts 1 and 2 are probably my least favorite of the 8 parts, but they're amazing in their own ways.
  10. There's 113 volumes of manga. Vampires aren't in a majority of it.
  11. Next week: Part 1 ends and Part 2 begins
  12. That's not a laser, it's pressurized eye juice
  13. Here comes Dire to show off his perfect offense and defense
  14. In case some people don't know, you can buy JoJo Parts 1 and 2 manga on Amazon (Part 3 just started releasing as well), in really nice big hardcover volumes called JoJonium. I have all 3 Part 1 books and can confirm they're nice as helllll and are bigger than standard manga volumes, page-wise (Part 1 is 3 JoJonium vs 5 books in its original release) Support JoJo in the west!
  15. Worst is kind of hard to say about Part 1, since I think it's a lot of fun and is goofy and it is very short, but it's also kinda half-baked and doesn't really feature a lot of things that JoJo becomes, which is completely understandable since it is the beginning. But Araki during parts 1 through 4 does a lot of hammering out what JoJo is, with Part 3 being the big step forward for what it becomes. Part 2 is definitely where the tone/themes of the series comes into its own. JoJo is an always evolving series. If I gave you a very vague basic rundown of what the current Part (8: JoJolion) is about, when you've only watched Phantom Blood, you'd probably call me a liar.
  16. Parts 1 and 2 (this season) is 26, Part 3 is 48, and Part 4 just aired ep 36 of 39.
  17. Maybe by now Studio WIT has learned how to manage a production schedule so a bunch of episodes won't air either unfinished, with 30+ animators desperately being thrown at it, or being finished literally an hour before airtime.
  18. Since JoJo is now Toonami relevant, here's an article from today about the author winning a prestigious award. The last paragraph is pretty good.
  19. This was another episode that omitted a page from the manga, but it's just the history of the the training area for knights (The 77 Rings), that Tarkus and Bruford were able to to overcome. It also mentions that Bruford's hair control isn't a vampire/zombie ability, he had it when he was alive. It was just a training thing where they climb a mountain and then fight numerous opponents, and taking a ring from their body and putting it on your own, til you have many of them weighing you down, until you defeat 77 warriors and have earned 77 Rings. T&B beat it in 1563. Unimportant to the plot, but JoJo is filled with little flavor bits and backstory like that.
  20. Nope, characters like the 3 brothers in Part 6 are named after fashion designers, and a number of Part 5 characters are named after food, like the dishes Panna cotta and Risotto. Those are just a few examples. Their abilities are all music related, though.
  21. Pretty much all of them throughout the whole series, except for Part 5&6 where a lot of them have food/fashion names, but band names show up in a different way by then. You'll see more music stuff now that we're in the second half of Part 1, and even more continuing into Part 2: Battle Tendency.
  22. So, for one of the scenes in this episode, probably due to episode time, last episode cut a scene of Jonathan being attacked by the zombiefied Chinese medicine man, who learns about Hamon and escapes and tells Dio. It was like 1 chapter in the manga, it's not the biggest deal. Also Roundabout is like 8 minutes long, they use different cuts from it a few times.
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