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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. what's ipb
  2. idk sucking dick seems pretty gay
  3. betting $50 smacks on my guy can't wait to check the odds
  4. it felt meaningless somewhat, but it wasn't terrible.
  5. im actually gonna get paid to larp as joseph gordon levitt in that one movie guys, holy shit
  6. comrad.
  7. hoping i don't go back to playing 15 hours a day. especially when i'm actually being productive with my time nowadays. wish me luck everyone. also, anyone know of a good amp for less than $100
  8. why do i even bother
  9. >unhealthy food tastes good really makes you think....
  10. either way it goes mexico wins. even if >we lose, our awful coach will have a higher chance to finally leave.
  11. tommorow at 9 et
  12. im a huge fifa fan, but the massive drop in quality since '11 made me quit it until this year. the journey mode isn't bad, but i doubt it'll go back to the quality of 11. i thought they announced a new battlefield?
  13. you believe in demons? ur scaring me tbh. i mean, i believe in paranormal stuff as long as it stays away from me. but idk man, believing in demons is next level stuff.
  14. what few i've read of people's experiences it sounds more terrifying than what happened to me.
  15. fuck i was late, but atleast it's only ea
  16. im stupid, animatronic was the word i was looking for. like five nights at freddys
  17. does it count as incest with yourself
  18. i couldn't really make out any other features of this thing except its eyes. which is weird cause im not really scared of them. it felt like i was forcing this thing to scare me with them
  19. this is gonna sound lame, but i was gonna write it down so i wouldnt forget it, anyway. at the end of the dream i was staring at a red demon thing with anthromorphic/cartoony eyes but i was at a distance from it, despite this my vision made it so he looked much closer than it was. i was shaking a lot and got the kind of goosebumps that your whole body gets, but very intense. i had a weird feeling, like i was determined and angry at the thought of this thing scaring me, so i wouldn't budge and didnt think/want to look away. and felt like i couldnt anyway. i felt that i was gonna wake up soon anyway at this point. this part didn't feel like a dream at all, i almost never in a dream consciensly think that im about to wake up. and it's been forever since the last time. but yeah, this part didnt feel like a dream at all. it felt a little different than that. almost like i knew i was sleeping and this was just a projection i was in or something. i almost never dream about paranormal stuff, but one of the things i remember was this haunted box type of thing granting wishes? i think. and helping this girl who i guess was drowing raise her to the surface. the town this took place in felt like a middle of nowhere midwest type of place, with landmarks, shopping centers and things like that, but still keeping this weird 50's type of odd vibe. like it felt very alone and empty.
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