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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i was too beta to say i was waiting for someone else when this other lady called my name
  2. they'll regret this...
  3. don't they have the highest percentage of happy people or was that norway
  4. what did he mean by this
  5. quebecelegy


    i love the cold, but wind chills freeze the fuck out of me
  6. this bitch is trying to make all my hard work and exercise go to waste by eating junk food, so i had to teach her a lesson
  7. i dont know any narcoleptic people
  8. is insomnia better than narcolepsy
  9. i don't think i've ever felt a crash from coffee, so im hoping that's my solution if all else fails ill just splash cold water on my face every 30 min
  10. i was sleepy a couple of hours ago and probably should've
  11. have to get to work in an hour and have only got 8 hours of sleep in the last two days. if even that it's probably closer to 6
  12. dead space 2 multiplayer was great times a shame ea fuckery is so rampant
  13. might just redbox it cause im afraid the appeal will wear off after a couple of nights of playing heard it's a great game though, so im hopeful
  14. im waiting til marriage like a good christian
  15. i already spent most of my check for this week in my head better luck next week -_'
  16. most rock bands are irredeemably awful but the doors were ok
  17. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/02/512992000/breitbart-editors-event-canceled-as-protests-turn-violent-at-uc-berkeley "In a statement, the university said: "The violence was instigated by a group of about 150 masked agitators who came onto campus and interrupted an otherwise non-violent protest." It said that at the time more than 1,500 protesters were gathered outside the event." "This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet told The Associated Press. Police put the campus on lock down for several hours. There were no reports of arrests or serious injuries, according to the AP.
  18. @Donald Trump
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