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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. weird that thriller bark is probably a wooden ship with a lot of natural earth piled up on the deck
  2. i don't mind the coup d'etat plot twist. i thought it was pretty interesting that the Uchiha clan were up to something shady. and honestly, I started suspecting it when Taka went to that cat-filled Uchiha weapons depot. why was it outside of the village, i wondered. but i thik Kishi could have included the coup d'etat without making Itachi a sympathetic martyr. just because someone kills an evil person doesn't mean that first person isn't also another kind of evil. i always figured Itachi was just looking out for Sasuke, giving him tough love to make him stronger and bullshitting with all that "hate me" stuff. but i still thought he was a villain. just a villain who happened to worry about his weak little brother. making him a pure-hearted hero really just pissed me off and, imo, ruined his character's appeal.
  3. "Not killing people is harder than I thought it'd be. Oh man, honest living is tough..." -- Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
  4. I'd say SEED was a prettier version of First Gundam at its core. at least for the first several episodes. Wing is more like 00 was.
  5. AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killua, I love you.
  6. The Gundam that aired on SyFy was Gundam 00. Gundam SEED aired on Toonami around 2003-2004-2005. I was just finishing high school back then.
  7. Zushi, I swear on my momma, you better beat this fool's ass.
  8. i really hope white haired dude gets his ass kicked nd has all his plans fail embarrassingly.
  9. wheelchair dude looks straight out of Naruto
  10. white flame eyes. looks so badass. I'm not sure how focusing aura in your eyes could help you see aura in a recording? it's not like the aura is manifesting in front of you. can the video technology really capture aura visually while it exists outside the technology's visible spectrum. it's not like you can x-ray a picture of a person and see their skeleton....
  11. G Gundam was terrible. might as well call it something else, it was practically a Gundam series in name only. Code Geassand Eureka Seven were more Gundam than G Gundam was.
  12. new doesn't mean better in anime. a lot of new shows can't hold a candle to the stuff that came out a decade of two ago.
  13. at least you can't Say Cardenas isn't callous with his pilot's life, since he's in the cockpit too
  14. aside from the occult magical elemnts, Code Geass is a Gundam series. same plot type. same character design, same dramatic elements and political discourse. it was a Gundam love-letter packed with allusions to the franchise that spawned it. not to mention it was created by the same production company.
  15. No. i cant think of a single one that could be considered slice of life. it's space opera war drama
  16. I've seen the OVA, but not the reconstituted tv series. it really starts like this?
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