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Everything posted by saito34

  1. That's what it would take to up the ante. HNY AnimationFan...hope its a good one for you!
  2. Next week should get interesting
  3. Smokey's like "deez white folks is whack"
  4. Dire with the parting blow
  5. I think I remember FMA:B doing it to great effect
  6. Love when that intro gets teased
  7. Yep kind of an interesting combo but cool
  8. One of the biggest
  9. Hey AnimationFan...great to see ya bud...Hows your Christmas Eve going?
  10. Episodes are flying by tonight
  11. Observing a red light on a bike....in the rain....lol
  12. Not very catchy at all
  13. Cool episode...healer girl is a badass
  14. So he's no Phantom Troupe member
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