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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. I know I hated the hiatus! I would be so busy or tired on the past several weeks that I would usually be past out before Toonami, but I should be back for most weekends!
  2. HEY GUYS Sorry I have been MIA lately, been super busy with work and other stuff and have not been able to be around. But I am back now!!!
  3. Just finished the finale and I am pretty satisfied with it! I kinda was expecting Higan to die but I am happy with the generally happy ending haha wish the final boss fight was a bit longer but I get it that this was only 13 episodes. I did like how Higan and Zai made some sort of mends. Glad that Mike and Jason made it out.. they were surprisingly my favorite characters even though most people seem to have hated Jason. I know that everyone is still pissed that Emma died but I still stand by my statement that all the ninjas deserved to die. I mean the only ones that did not die were Higan and Zai, and I was expecting both of them to die as well. All in all it was great show, especially for an [as] original. Definitely the best [as] has done yet IMO. Here's to hoping for Uzumaki soon! Again, I am sorry I miss the last few weeks and then fall asleep last night before the finale!
  4. Ugh guys, I am so sorry. The last two Saturdays I had to do work over the weekend (I have weekends off but when we have a lot of deliverables and deadlines sometimes we gotta work weekends) and missed the last two Toonami's and last night I was on the sofa waiting for NK and must have dozed off because next thing I knew, I rolled over and it was 4:45am.. I feel so ashamed and old hahahah I am going to go watch the last few episodes of NK and then I will get back to you with any thoughts haha Luckily NK is the only thing on the block right now that I have not seen! Hope everyone had a good last few weeks and is doing good. Miss everyone!
  5. I am getting pretty tired guys. I guess that food I ate is giving me the itis haha gonna watch the rest of Toonami on the sofa. It was fun watching with you all tonight! Have a good night and a good rest of your weekend! Sweet dreams!
  6. This does not look promising ah, duh haha
  7. Franky has got to fight! Kick some ass!
  8. Thats racist against little people! ahaha they have pretty big balls!!
  9. That toy soldier dude hahah he used to be a man!
  10. Okay, I am back from stuffing my face. I see that law is still getting his ass kicked. Nice. I did not miss anything while I was gone the last two weeks ahahah
  11. I guess something else could replace it in the coming weeks, but for now we just double back up on OP.
  12. Time to sail the high seas! I got the munchies and ordered a shit ton of Chinese food earlier today. Gonna go eat some of that hahahah
  13. I very good finale! Sad to see it go, but it was such a good addition to the block! My only gripe is that I wished that Chisato shot and killed Majima herself. I feel like it would have ended his character arc perfectly, but instead he just falls.. and survives! But whatever, it was good enough haha I really like this show when it came out in 2022 and it still hold up now. So glad we were able to get in on Toonmi! ALOHA!!!
  14. I am just glad that we got it. Toonami has been really good for the past several weeks.
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