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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. Nuclear, hydro, etc. technically can, but they shutdown into a safe mode when left unmanned so they do not overload or fail and cause a catastrophe haha it is one of the reasons that I stopped reading the manga, the writing was kinda bad and got worse. Still entertaining though haah
  2. IDC if its the apocalypse, I am not sitting naked with my best friend.
  3. When unmanned, Nuclear, hydroelectric and geothermal will go into safe mode and go offline in 2-3 days. Conventional plants will shut down in a matter of hours. After that pretty much all other utilities will cease. The only one that might last a while is actually water, which might keep going without power in certain areas.
  4. I doubt it, in the chaos, ground infrastructure would be toast in days. There might be pockets of it but the plants would stop working pretty quickly.
  5. Yea, while I was still reading this, it always bothered me how long the utilities kept working.
  6. Him and his lists haha I guess life really is that monotonous in Japan's cities.
  7. Even Zai thinks that Higan should have killed him hahah
  8. Zai's head armor reminds me of Chainsaw Man hahah
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