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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. Well, that concludes ZOM 100. I liked it when it was airing and am glad it came to the block! Here is to hoping for a Season 2 on Toonami in the future!
  2. Holy shit, I just ate so much Wawa. I had not eaten since noon today and ran to the Wawa right before the block started. So full, I am getting the itis! haha IT IS ZOM TIME!
  3. Hey guys! Happy 4th of July! I have been blowing shit up and having fun for the past three days HA. I missed last weeks Toonami due to being with some friends all weekend but I am here tonight. Was at the beach all day and just got back a hour ago. Super tired, so I may not make it too late tonight lmao.
  4. I just ate something but now I am getting sleepy haha gonna lay on the sofa and watch the rest of Toonami is I do not fall asleep first! Good seeing you guys again. Sweet dreams!!
  5. Time to sail the high seas! Gonna make something to eat, I am starving and did not eat dinner haha but I should be back in a bit!
  6. Naked juggling lmao "does that mean you are a pervert?"
  7. Some of his bucket list items are kind of simple haha
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