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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. So just to clarify, "quirk" = "superpower." I'm getting it, slowly. But I'm getting it.
  2. Lol, koi fish apparently like notebook paper.
  3. I hope the guy with the white hair gets a swirly from Izuku in the future.
  4. Lmfao, at the snot man. He just wants cash. Nothing more.
  5. They sound like completely different products anyway, so I won't make comparisons.
  7. Lol, I'm getting One Punch Man vibes watching this.
  8. Lol, the plot of X-Men, essentially.
  9. BONES animated this? It'll probably be excellent then.
  10. Time for not-Black-Clover to get started.
  11. Even Kai's quiver in front of the Dragon.
  12. Lmfao, I remember how giddy I was during this.
  13. Yeah, but in this case, Vegeta's plan makes that "cheap way out" very amazing.
  14. Here comes Vegeta's master plan.
  15. Even if he can't do a damn thing, Mr. Satan doesn't stop trying when friends are at stake.
  16. Annnnd just like that, shit turns south.
  17. Elfie got his wish. It IS Buu vs Buu this episode.
  18. Even Kid Buu knows he's full of shit, and he has the mind of an animal.
  19. Kid Buu spat out what little kindness remained in him....which wasn't much to begin with, but still.
  20. According to what I was told, yes.
  21. The scene from DB where Roshi tries to seal King Piccolo wasn't a flashback from DB but a reanimated scene entirely.
  22. So yeah, I learned something today. Some time ago I said there were 61 episodes. This is true...in the case of Japan. The original Japanese release only had 61 episodes. But the international release has 69 episodes, which explains why some sites have it listed as 69 and others listed as 61. I thought it was a neat piece of information to share.
  23. Lmfao, the poor turtle.
  24. Holy shit, he just turned down Piccolo's offer.
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