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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I want to believe he's just a hired gun with an actual social life. Something tells me he only said that to the woman to make her feel better though. Who knows?
  2. Fffffuuuucck, yeah. I think he is on Dio's side. Jesus fuck.
  3. Wait, no. He doesn't have two right hands. Never mind.
  4. If this guy is the Stand user, I'm gonna' be a sad panda.
  5. Riding an elephant. Sooooo India, it's not even funny.
  6. Lmfao. They were in Hong Kong actually 4-5 episodes ago, if you think about it. Not that long ago.
  7. Doesn't really matter what the Stand looks like. I mean...don't all stands look fucking weird?
  8. Btw, "merde" = "shit" in French. Basically, they just avoided censors by using the word in a different language.
  9. Yeeeep, it's a monster. And you'd better watch your ass.
  10. Am I really seeing is, or is it just the King Cobra and Mad Dog kicking in?
  11. If he has to fight a stand. Alone. Again. It had better not be another fucking doll.
  12. Anybody who disses curry....not cool. Best kind of foreign food out there.
  13. "I assure you, India is full of wonderful people." Extraordinary people....and stands.
  14. Well, that was a nice episode I missed. I think leaving SuddenLink was a big fucking mistake.
  15. I would say that most DBZ characters could easily defeat Godzilla.
  16. Lmfao, calling Buu "cute" and then screaming? Not a good move.
  17. Maaaayyyybe I can watch and talk now? Idk. Depends on how shitty Frontier Internet feels.
  18. Sooo, watched the episode, but due to shitty new internet from Frontier, I wasn't able to make a single comment...
  19. I'll probably be working on Halloween night, so probably no celebrations for me.
  20. So. No free guns after all. Oh well.
  21. She's....really cute when she's in this position.
  22. I get the feeling that she's either a lousy assassin, or she had lousy victims until this point.
  23. I'm trying to picture this, but it just doesn't seem to work.
  24. Damn. Commercial break already?
  25. I guess this is how Gene is going to get his guns.
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