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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I can't say I disagree with leaving Whole Horse behind.
  2. This is fucking comedy. Best start to an episode of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, yet.
  3. LMFAO, he keeps unknowingly egging it on!
  4. Ouch, too soon Polnarev... (Not that he knows.)
  5. LMFAO, she's supposed to be intimidating, and instead of outright trying to kill him, she's sweating bullets.
  6. Fuck, yeah, I spoke prematurely. They were villainous so long ago that I forgot they were villains at one point.
  7. It's Kai, so they likely shortened the number of episodes it would have been featured in.
  8. Annnd he only kills people because he doesn't know how else to have fun. Other than Vegeta, Buu is the only "big bad" to show character development in the series.
  9. Moral scenario upcoming, most likely.
  10. Buu has healing powers too, showing more of his potential for good.
  11. It's like Hercule never pays attention to the news. Explosives don't work on flying freaks like Buu.
  12. ROTFLMFAO! That didn't last long!
  13. Apparently he can breathe in space too.
  14. I forget if this actually leads to anything, or if it's just a comedy act.
  15. So....Piccolo has healing powers. WHY did they have to fly for Senzu beans then?!
  16. Shit like that is why I feared cotton balls and alcohol.
  17. The ritual's finally over. Lmfao.
  18. So, Beerus has his brother in his best interests and lied to hide that fact from everyone else.
  19. LOL, and it only grants a single wish.
  20. So it speaks the divine language as well.
  21. And it just ate a planet.
  22. Well, this one is certainly more impressive than Shenron.
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