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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by DangerMouse

  1. Luna's expressions are killing me lol 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Hit the music. We've entered the last 5 minutes "Sailor Moon part" of the episode lol
  3. LOL what was that animation as she walked out with her hostage 🤣
  4. 🤣 "Maybe she's a little slow on the uptake, but still." 🤣🤣
  5. LOL savage Usagi and Luna just taking shots at each other.
  6. Sounds like the opening chime to Ghost Busters.
  7. LOL Naruto couldn't even do a clone but here he uses transformation
  8. Sasuke putting on the showmanship to disguise Naruto's move
  9. LMAOOOOO Sakura suddenly into it when it looks like Sasuke's the focal point of the strategy
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