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Everything posted by revelations

  1. Happy Birthday. I don't know you, probably, maybe, who the hell knows, but is it ok if I picture you as the big tittied Spanish pirate from On Stranger Tides?
  2. Yes. But the kitten is going to stay with us until the foster becomes available. It's not going to the shelter at all.
  3. I was glad it had the wherewithal to make it up a tree to safety.
  4. panic pushed the panic button and kicked me out. i had to change clothes so i could come back to the party.
  5. It has plenty of food and water and a litter box. I don't know what sex it is. But it's doing better now. Just have to keep it away from all the other cats.
  6. d
  7. out on our nightly walk around the property last night, we heard meowing coming from across the highway. we walked over and there was a kitten, halfway up a tree. eyes shut from crud all over them. looks like conjunctivitis. one eye could open a little, but i honestly thought the other eye was missing. had a little blood on its face. we brought it home and cleaned its face off and got all the crud from around its eyes. both eyes are open now. someone just dumped it off because they didn't want to deal with it, i'm sure. getting meds today and the local animal shelter is seeking a foster home for it.
  8. Well, he is a butt pirate.
  9. Hey Pirate Who's your favorite pirate?
  10. gatordun
  11. was for dinner last night, along with blackened mahi po'boy. the mahi was over cooked and dry. they missed the mark on what a po'boy is supposed to be, but the gator tail was delicious.
  12. While I didn't know him, I had heard about him, long before joining. HE created this place, and whether or not it's living up to how he would have wanted isn't the issue. It's still here, and it's here because of HIM. There should definitely be a FOUNDER with his name, above all other staff member's names. And like Insane Fox said, maybe a tribute that is pinned so new people can get an idea of who the founder of this site was.
  13. Well, you're an idiot, so maybe Chris Hanson will knock on your trailer door one day.
  14. lol
  15. It clearly says this too.
  16. Just so we're clear. It is OK to post links to where to buy teen porn.
  17. That message never came through. And I have no reason to lie, since I was the one who said you know where to find me. After I had already messaged you before. I did not get that message.
  18. I messaged you after the first (1st) bully thread. You blew it off and said it didn't happen here. So, I moved on. Then you made a second (2nd) bully thread. That's the one I interacted with, because Pat locked the first one. At this point, I knew what was going on. I even said as much in your thread. If you were telling the truth and didn't know who it was, then the logical thing would have been to message me. But you didn't. So, there it is.
  19. And that's your take away from what I just said. See, here's my take on it. No, you didn't ask for my opinion, but I'm giving it to you anyway. You post comically most of the time. So, when you post a serious thread, people take it seriously, as if something is legit wrong. But even inside of your own serious thread, you can't remain serious long enough to get to the bottom of whatever it is that you were seeking help/advice with. Which is why I suppose you still don't know who ''bullied'' you, or like I said from the beginning, you are just playing stupid and know who it is, because how can you not know.
  20. Please explain to me how that's fucked up on me. I had nothing to do with any of it. I wasn't even around to witness it. But the information fell into my lap. I tried to help you, and you just carried on. Free spirited as ever. I even told you that you know where to find me. Meaning you could message me and I'll explain what I know. But instead, you replied with some *pussy farting unicorns* gibberish, and I'm not gonna beg someone to let ME help THEM.
  21. Lol. I was trying to help you with your ''bully'' problem and you played stupid. I know who was bullying you, but again. You play stupid. So now, good luck with dealing with your ''bullies'' on your own. That's working out so well for you isn't it? One lame ''I'mma call out the bullies but not really'' shit post after another. Here's a concept, if you can't deal with it, stay your ass off of Discord. Or handle your shit there and don't bring it here. You will find little sympathy here. But you had mine. For a minute. Now that's gone. I will sit back and watch if and when they bully you here. This is the kindest reply you will receive from me.
  22. No. It's preoccupied with your mouth and your asshole.
  23. Yeah. Let's stay on topic because thems the rules. Panic is a pedo.
  24. Says right there. Going off topic. False narrative my ass. But I see what it is. I said Le Fucker. What does she have on all you mods that make you cower in fear? Also, that wasn't off topic. It was on the topic of the building. Says so right in the comment. Fuck you with your ''generous'' ban. You piece of shit.
  25. You just show favoritism, and are biased and unfit to be a moderator, because your emotions get the best of you. You should be relieved of your duties.
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