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Everything posted by revelations

  1. I hope this plays out today. I need to know an outcome.
  2. Do it. Tell her before you fully transition. Then she will have to wait for you. Unless she doesn't want to wait, and wants you to sling that D on her.
  3. all the good ones are locked
  4. There should be a reevaluation of the mods too. One in particular.
  5. Malicious/toxic should be tolerated in DF. I mean, we should be able to go balls to walls in there. Post a disclaimer with an agreement that the users have to acknowledge before entering, even after their post count gets them there. They have to agree to the terms that if you can't handle it, don't go inside. Disclaimers work for South Park. They can surely work here. You're not liable for anything. Reports that are not for racism, threats or bigotry, result in the reporter getting a warning. Have one mod set aside just for DF. General Noise is a lot of ground to cover. Make a DF'er a mod of just the DF folder, to handle the few cases that are deemed rule breakers. Your problems would be solved then. No bigotry or racism or threats. That doesn't need to fly anywhere.
  6. Just think of all the money I save on toothpaste, toothbrushes, dentist appointments, mouthwash, floss, etc.
  7. That what it IS used for. It's the Packard lock.
  8. I've been busying moving on up.
  9. I miss Frank and Steins. They used to have great hot dogs.
  10. The Friday Night Messiah.
  11. Every time.
  12. Eek. Mustard is not my thing. Although, honey mustard is quite nice. But that French's shit is gross.
  13. Keep me posted. I'm interested to know if they are talking about dutch ovens over there.
  14. Anyways. I am looking for an alligator purveyor. Florida and Louisiana will be the first places to look.
  15. Seth Rollins?
  16. Afternoon update. Kitten is still doing good. Its napping in its litter box though. Other than that, all signs are normal.
  17. I wish nabs would come back and discuss dutch ovens with me. I know he works (ed) in the restaurant business. I'd like to hear his take on them. Did his work use these? Or anyone else for that matter. I just mention nabs since he did come into this thread and actively participated.
  18. if you ever watch kitchen nightmares, it'll make you want to go out and buy some of this cooking equipment and stay home and cook. wow. i don't know how the health department hasn't closed most of those places down. they must have larry the cable guy as their health inspector.
  19. That one and the Chamber of Secrets are always the ones I catch on TV. I wish someone would flush Moaning Myrtle down the toilet.
  20. these dutch ovens are not to be confused with the old fart and hold your spouse's head under the cover gag. which is also a fun thing, but not the SAME thing.
  21. come on now, y'all are wrecking my thread. stay on topic. let's talk dutch ovens. do you own one?
  22. i do wish i could find something to brighten it up a bit. this thing belonged to my great grandmother. it is very old. heavy too. the inside could use a little restoration. the exterior is still immaculate though.
  23. talk dirty to me
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