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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. this show also calls fucking everything Umami...not all foods are Umami, it is a specific flavor, not just a word that describes anything delicious
  2. the same is true of Funimation Sanji, in japanese he's super deep, like Chris Sabat level deep....in the funi dub he's a whiny teenager who always sound like he's throwing a tantrum
  3. dude don't fucking blush, food is not sexual, just go fuck a pie like the movie American pie or something
  4. all of what Soma just described sounds delicious.....but I'm sure it will taste horrible if re-created IRL
  5. the shine marks on meat-meat's boobs look like bioluminescent nipples
  6. Eren is wrong about some things but ultimately....they can't ever be seen as an opressed minority because of their titan powers so Eren's tactics are kinda the only ones that are viable
  7. the Eren you know is an idealic immature idiot >_>....this Eren knows better
  8. all anime have Eyecatches and with like one or 2 exceptions the dubs always remove them
  9. **siiiiiggghhhh** boredommmm........
  10. technically Super is now in a weird half canon half non-canon state apparently the manga (where Vegeta is even more pathetic) is the Canon version and the anime isn't
  11. the fact that Ribrianne is giving him trouble in the first place is pathetic
  12. :3, I signed up but they haven't given me a date to come in for it yet
  13. spent most of today playing Sonic Adventure 2 on Stream....I also figured out how to properly raise Chao...only took almost 20 years
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