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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. wait so the green form Broly takes is just confirmed to be a valid attainable "berzerk" form of Super Saiyan?
  2. she'll probably just sit on Shinra's face while her clothes explode off again
  3. because I'm a creature of Habit
  4. Goku just done had himself a Givegasm
  5. Evidently I made a Vegeta titty mousepad design on my Patreon last month
  6. No porn art this week either due to a mix of being too busy with paid work, and because I just got my first dose of the Phizer Vaccine :3 also fun news McDonalds Messed up my order so they gave me two of everything as an apology so I have an extra burger to Snack on later
  7. this isn't Fire Force or SAO the men in this series have SOME respect for women
  8. again how can he not when Grimoires literally teleport into their users hands like Keyblades?
  9. ain't no way this bitch isn't a Lesbian
  10. I don't recognize *any* of the younger kids, except Jemima
  11. if this were true to the manga...there'd be a reason why....but it's not so (Severe spoiler)
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