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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. if we have a third villain with this same subtext I'mma assume it's a theme....
  2. I sometimes forget Shinra share's a japanese voice with Asta
  3. the pedophile subtext with the villains seems to be becoming a consistent theme
  4. I know it's just baggy clothes but the jumpsuit still makes Shinra's ass look freaking massive
  5. unrelated the Fanon ship name for the Ship of Shinra and Captain Obi is "Shinobi" and that is the most perfect ship name I've ever heard
  6. this is completely off Topic but the voice for Amy rose in Sonic was just fired and I've been thinking that a good candidate to replace her would be Luci Christian because the voice Luci uses for Ochako and the girl she voices here sounds a lot like Amy's original voice from Sonic Adventure
  7. Mitsuru seems gay too also in my experience Mitsuru's tend to be lap dogs for their crushes
  8. Tamaki is literally a palate swap of Maka Albarn and she serves no purpose in series other than to jiggle and squirm so male viewers can fap to her >_> the female characters may be shameless in this show too but they actually do something other than shimmy
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