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Aristocrat (9/22)



  1. UwP

    Sup mfs?

    I heard I'm the weenier weener chicky dinn dinn. Cuz I'm #1. HE WAS NO 1 That's a spongbob - spongeboob.
  2. wuuuuuuuuut? Shia Leeboof? WUT?
  3. And then just continuously laughing at the entire world when it's not true. 😄
  4. Bubbles.
  5. Minion Nuggies
  6. there's porn on the interweb? i thought that was pron.
  7. It's called - two wayyyyyyyyy mirrorerers
  8. That they're stupid - because they don't ever learn how to use the computer correctly. The interweb correctly. Anything correctly. DODO BIRD OVER AND OUT BITCHES. ❤️
  9. Oh I know I'm doneeee. Winner winner chicken mofo dinner bitches.
  10. What the fuck
  11. That's called being respectful.
  12. My brain.
  13. Well that's just fucking rude.
  14. To get everyone's. Clearly.
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