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About CaptainStarwind

  • Birthday 12/27/1994

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  1. Good, I'm glad. With everything they've been writing off they deserve to be written off a bit, too.
  2. Disappointed is really the best way to say it
  3. This looks pretty good! I have to wonder if they're going to go for any setting update, so if they did I can't imagine it would matter too much. Makes me think I may need to look into HiDIVE
  4. Okay, so my memory is right. Now that I think about it, I remember him having a meltdown when One Piece left Toonami, and I vaguely remember something about death threats. Anything after that I have no idea.
  5. Wasn't he on this board for a while? Or am I confusing it with whatever the hell ASMB became after they nuked Lithium? I can't deny Family Guy's success. Even if I'm not too fond of the later seasons, the earlier seasons of the show are still funny as hell. I guess it just needed the right outlet to succeed and Adult Swim provided it.
  6. I've heard much of the same, actually. I don't mean to insult anyone (read: most of the people) who live there, my emotions just get the better of me sometimes. Seriously though fuck CR/Funi.
  7. Oh hell, I wasn't even on ASMB that long and I remember Ranlsa. I specifically remember when she PM'ed me and was angry that I disagreed with her on something Bebop related (reruns or something IIRC). It was just one long string of angrish. There was also a guy I remember who believed Shippuden was the best show on the block because of how dark it was, and specifically loved to bring up Orochimaru killing babies. I like to believe I've matured since then but I don't know how true that is.
  8. I always hate hearing news like this. TBH I really hope Funi isn't able to find anyone to fill the role, though I feel that's a bit wishful thinking on my part. In other news it's yet another reason for me to never go to Texas (like I already needed one).
  9. Wow I've been out of action with the block for so long now. So much doubling up, but it looks like there's a plan in place, plus new shows coming is always welcome.
  10. Confirms what I already believed, but it IS nice to hear a little reassurance of it.
  11. It is sad, but to be honest, I've been expecting this for a while. I saw the news notification that doctors were concerned for her health this morning and I knew it wouldn't be much longer. Still, though, sad for her family. 96 is quite and age to live to so at least they can take solace in that, I guess.
  12. Is it wrong the only horse I was pulling for in this race was for The Simpsons not to get pity Emmys?
  13. Wow, this is fucking awful, I felt disgusting just reading about it. Obviously, Tiffany Hadish should be kicked off of Tuca and Bertie. I hope they go that route instead of cancelling outright.
  14. Yeah I'm definitely getting Shippo out of it as well. Definitely an... odd way of designing the character, but I don't entirely hate it.
  15. There's effort here, I'll give it that. I'm a bit more optimistic for it now than I was last year. I do hope it turns out good. I think I just instinctively cringe at this point when I think of live action anime, for better or for worse. I can thank Dragon Ball Evolution for that. If One Piece manages to break that for me then I'll be happy.
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