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Everything posted by AnimationFan14

  1. UFC and Dave Chappelle's first true return to tv in almost 10 years certainly spelled double trouble for Toonami's ratings last Saturday, but that can happen from time to time. I expect things to bounce back up a little this coming Saturday at least
  2. If we're able to truly go full circle across the board one day then perhaps an upcoming year will feature Month of Movies III and Intruder IIII both premiering to great success (I do know that if we ever built up showing more movies to the point that we could have a Half Month of Movies one December, I would be quite pleased. More movies on Toonami whenever they are shown in general would be fantastic)
  3. Those elephants make great mashed potatoes as well
  4. Times does fly when your having fun, plus I still remember when Toonami lasted till 6am
  5. It's honestly a pretty good series, and 3am may be late enough to get away with the nudity
  6. The end of the ASMB will not be the end of us and our community
  7. Fan service out the ass no pun intended, it's also a hilarious series with animated Zombie bloodshed
  8. Also High school of the Dead pleases more than one kind of "head" from what I heard wink
  9. Plus $400 for Outlaw Star blu ray with no dub and possibly no subtitles is just not on my Christmas list The UK blu ray should be actually affordable and hopefully has the dub (I see no reason why it shouldn't)
  10. I think the Japanese Blu Ray boxset has been out since 2012 or around then, it costs $400 and has no dub included I think so I never tried buying it
  11. I heard there is a UK blu ray release that may be coming out this December and it's possibly region free
  13. It would be really awesome to have a classic Toonami aired series reran, like Outlaw Star or Trigun or Wolf's Rain etc
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