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Everything posted by AnimationFan14

  1. Deadman Wonderland was one of Toonami's first really big hits when it was very first revived, I even think back then I saw commercials advertising each next Deadman episode Like Space Dandy Blu ray season 1 was advertised, but not season 2's blu ray Like it would be cool if the Wolf's Rain blu ray box set got advertised
  2. Perfect line delivery
  3. Like when Space Dandy's Season 1 blu ray release got it's own special commercial Why did that only happen once
  4. Cons: No Hinata Pros: Decent pacing, surprise reveals that work, stylish action, moody set pieces Great episode
  5. Naruto Shippuden once again proves that when this show wants to get intense it gets fucking intense
  6. Goodnight Mochi, a dance gif will be gifed in One Piece's opening in your honor
  7. I know there must be reasons that have been extremely unexpected on Funimation's part because you don't dub a property that wouldn't have a good chance of getting a wide release everywhere
  8. Feel the flow Dragoon flow
  9. Speaking of a real handful
  10. It was like art design of Fatal Furry being done with zero budget
  11. Damn I don't remember watching the series after season 1, sounds like someone was feeling more than just the flow at the start of season 2
  12. Ren and zen is important to learn but don't forget about the most import one of all Rin Tin Tin
  13. *Grabs Gundam size pillow and slowly pulls it over her face*
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