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Everything posted by AnimationFan14

  1. This has been the most bloody therapy session I have seen in a great while
  2. Zei "Joe you slept with us both but how come only she got pregnant"
  3. The Reaper "It's just like Billy Joel said, only the good die young"
  4. *Walker Texas Ranger theme starts playing*
  5. Sasuke "You son of a bitches, I'm in One last ride"
  6. He shot the Law and the Law did not "won"
  7. Law is taking more body shots than me on spring break
  8. A whole army of little people have a small chance of winning
  9. Two Piece is back at least for now and I'm fully happy with that
  10. I know I heard BRANDON MCGINNIS right away
  11. Next week for 4/20 we have Twice Piece back and for a lot of people it will be the extra high seas
  12. This finale is fucking fantastic, in terms of final goodbyes and more glass shattering than your average Die Hard
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