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DragonSinger last won the day on December 8 2022

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  1. *Looks at Crunchyroll sale and rolls eyes*. I miss Rightstuf. At least Sentai had real deals. I'm just too broke and have to wait for around Christmas to buy more.
  2. New stuff in purple, but Bungo 3 and Haikyuu 4 is from this black Friday 91 Days (Limited Edition) Ajin: Demi-Human Ajin: Demi-human: Season 2 Antique Bakery Argentosoma Attack On Titan S1 Baccano Barakamon Birdy the Mighty: Decode Black Butler Black Lagoon Blood Blockade Battlefront Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond Blue Seed Bungo Stray Dogs 1-3 Case Closed - In Her Eyes Case Closed - Countdown to Heaven Casshern Sins A Certain Magical Index A Certain Magical Index 2 Chihayafuru S1 (Limited Edition) Chihayafuru S2 (Limited Edition) Clannad Clannad After Story Claymore Darker Than Black Descendants of Darkness Dennou Coil Double Decker! Doug & Kirill Dragonball S1 Dragonball S2 Dragon Half E's Otherwise Elfen Lied Fate Stay/Night Fate Zero Season 1-2(had s1 dvd already but it was on the maybe sell it off list until I got season 2 at a cheap price this year((still might buy blu ray later))) Fullmmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVAs Full Metal Panic Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu! Genshiken Ghost in the Shell Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. Ghost inthe Shell 2nd GIG The Gokusen Gravitation (Limited Edition) Guin Saga Gungrave Haikyuu S1 Premium Box Set Haikyuu S2 Premium Box Set Haikyuu S3 Premium Box Set Haikyuu S4 Premium Box Set Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East S1 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East S2 Hamatora the Animation Re: Hamatora the Animation Heat Guy J Heroic Legend of Arslan S1 Heroic Legend of Arslan S2 Initial D 1ST Stage Initial D 2ND Stage Initial D 3RD Stage The Irregular at Magic High School S1 Irresponsible Captain Tylor Junjo Romantica Season 1-3 bundle K Karneval (Limited Edition) Kaze no Stigma Kobato Kurenai Last Exile Level E Library War Log Horizon S1 part 1 and 2 Madlax Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Magi: The Kingdom of Magic part 1 and 2 March Comes in Like a Lion VOl 1-3(couldn't get 4 😭) Martian Successor Nadesico Megalobox S1 Mirage of Blaze (Limited Edition) Moeyo Ken Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (Limited Edition) Morose Mononokean S1 Morose Mononokean S2 My Hero Academia S1 Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Natsume Yuujinchou Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou Natsume Yuujinchou San Natsume Yuujinchou Shi Noir Noragami Noragami S2 One Punch Man S1 Otogi Zoshi (Limited Edition) Outlaw Star Paprika Patlabor The Mobile Police Ultimate Collection Polyphonica Polyphonica Crimson S(the lolicon cover on this DVD pisses me off to this day) Psycho-Pass Season 1 Part 1 and 2 Rage of Bahamut Read or Die OVA Rental Magica Part 1 and 2 Rideback Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Rose of Versailles Part 1 Rose of Versailles Part 2 Run with the Wind Premium Box Set Rune Soldier Sailor Moon Season 1(I waited on this because of all the different releases and finally decided on a newer set that matches the coloring on the old dvds) Saiyuki Seraph of the End S1 Shiki Silver Spoon S1 Silver Spoon S2 Slayers 1-3 collection Slayers Season 4-5 Sol Bianca Space Brothers Space Dandy Spice and Wolf Steins Gate Tanaka-kun is Always Listless Premium Box Set Tenchi OVA collection The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye Tokyo Godfathers Tokyo Ravens Tsurune Trigun The Twelve Kingdoms Ushio & Tora Premium Box Set Utawarerumono Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D : Bloodlust Witch Hunter Robin X TV series Xam'd: Lost Memories Yona of the Dawn Part 1 and 2 YURI ON ICE 🤩 YuYu Hakusho *Remembers to check ebay after a year to see if March Comes in Like a Lion S4 is around* I see....Aniplex scalpers need to burn in hell.
  3. I've definitely been grateful that I received an early education about properly using the internet while avoiding bogus information. The things people believe online without questioning them in the slightest is scary to see. Also, shout-out to my strict ass English teachers who made sure we researched shit like we were little attorneys. A lot of that has stuck with me too over the years.
  4. Past Me: Ok, bluesky will take off so I gotta be prepared and make sure I have my writing together and posting regularly. I probably have some time before that happens so I can get used to-oh God, Muskrat fucked with Twitter again and now folks are mad-mad! *Looks at follower count going up quickly...and still going up* Oh shit. I have to be an actual professional now!
  5. It's funny. Wendig annoys me because of genre drama, so I forget about shit like the Internet Archive until it blows up again in the news(No I don't think he's directly to blame though his posts could have affected Hachette's timing). Dude is getting a looooot of death threats. And that's why I stay minding my damn business.
  6. This is your life and your thoughts. There's nothing to be sorry about. I made this thread because I have too much going on in my life and need a place to air out some things that aren't quite rants, and I figured other posters could air out some of their feelings too, big or small.
  7. More accusations drop on Gaiman and you out here thanking him on Instagram after your show is canceled(possibly due to not only ratings but also Gaiman's behavior)? You know what? It's good that show is gone. BYE!
  8. Lee Daniels, why are you like this? *Sigh* I know why. *Adds The Deliverance to my watchlist*
  9. Oh I see the news about Beau DeMayo finally dropped while I was in editing hell. Marvel/Disney will do some fuck shit, but when they start stripping credits and distancing themselves in record time before a show premiere, then dude definitely did something fucked up. At least he kept running his mouth online forcing the news to come out instead of folks only being able to speculate about what he did. Seriously, why the fuck would you poke the Mouse? Cuz now I know he was doing similar shit on The Witcher too.
  10. This is why being a hater is great. I've hated Eli Roth's work since Hostel and have refused to watch his shit ever again after I saw The Man With The Iron Fists(yes, RZA can take half the blame for that script and 'directing' but that movie probably wouldn't have been made without Roth helping produce it).
  11. You know what, that's what y'all get for bringing a Colleen Hoover movie into the world. Ugh, just filling Hoover's pockets to pay for her horrible son's future court case. Speaking of fuck ass famous author sons, let me go see what Outlander lady's spawn is up to...Ah, still shunned in writing circles and stuck in the gaming/comic/movie review basement. It's what he deserves.
  12. We are very unserious people: Love a good blindside.
  13. I know the FBI is tired of our asses right now, but now we know why production was trying to stop an alliance from naming itself The Pentagon(warning for loud drawer closing sound at the end if you have headphones on): The Pentagon has been trending for days on social media because of the showdown that might be coming on Big Brother and it's fucking hilarious to me.
  14. I really like artistic swimming. We might pick up silver but(looks at video)... gold is doubtful:
  15. The tactile sensation from smoking seems like it would be really nice, but I can't stand the smell either.
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