Well, I can say definitively that despite overall numbers for both shows being up and 18-49's being flat, 18-34's were WAY down this week:
11/12/2016 JoJo's Bizzare Adv.
Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.53
Estimated 18-34 - 360,000
Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.48
Estimated 18-49 - 610,000
Total Viewers - 1,041,000
11/12/2016 Gundam IBO
Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.46
Estimated 18-34 - 313,000
Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.41
Estimated 18-49 - 521,000
Total Viewers - 895,000
Yeah, I'd say that's probably the influence of UFC alright. JoJo just isn't turning out to be this God-tier show everyone thought it would be, at least not so far. DBZ Kai at this point in the game had only averaged 1016K/540K, however, and no one in their right mind wouldn't call that "God-tier!"
We'll find out how well everything else did later today, but looks like a pretty bad night overall for Toonami.