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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Wish they had rehired the Japanese TOM and SARA for this. Guess they didn't, but I WONDER if Toonami could actually take over a SUNDAY April Fool's stunt and marathon all the subtitled episodes with them after Royal Crackers on 3/31?
  2. They didn't like THAT answer! And we have ours as well: Toonami truly HAS expanded to 3.5 hours!
  3. Indoraga Mano averted, but the fun has only just begun. Ironically, like Naruto Shippuden before it, this "Final Battle" is also just the introduction to a 2-parter!
  4. Amy just can't learn to suppress her flinch reflex. Very few anime series explore this sort of thing. So it IS "Ninja Kamooey" then.
  5. Kari Walgren, voice of Luca, is in town today. ...and I just barely missed her and she doesn't have a panel tomorrow.
  6. Fun fact: this is the second half of a "Final Battle" power hour! 2 episodes back to back with that same title! Well played, Toonami!
  7. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episodes-476-477/.107067 Spoiler alert: review contains details of 477. Grade: A+. You know next week is gonna be good, too! These are truly the kind of episodes people watch 500-episode series to see! ON to IGPX!
  8. He did this earlier in the show. Black and White Zetsu narrated it.
  9. Flashback in the middle of a fight? Yep, this is Shippuden!
  10. Lelouch and Eren had grand plans to try to change the world. Sasuke is just kind of a dumb asshole seeking vengeance.
  11. I was about to create this one, but ya beat me to it. Good Job!! Pinned and Featured!
  12. Caught most of this episode, or at least listened to it! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba-entertainment-district-arc/episode-5/.181219 ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌗 And it got a solid rating of 3 stars and a half moon!
  13. That was a damn good episode! Soo satisfying! On to Shippuden and the ULTIMATE battle!!!
  14. The bigger they are, the harder they get blown away! And that's enough outta you!
  15. Commercial break fun fact: I got to see FAKE TYPE. live today!
  16. Her and Deidara from Naruto should totally hook up--they would talk about art 24/7!
  17. Uh oh, Brook is enjoying this impressionist chaos a little TOO much!
  18. Looks like... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/lycoris-recoil/episode-4/.187952 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌘 That's 4.25 stars--until Android adds partial star emoji, you're getting moons instead.
  19. Hey, after-credits scene.
  20. Probably an unmanned freighter. Not too far-fetched.
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