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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Raw numbers down across the board, but 18-49s either up slightly or held steady:
  2. I try to, but too often I fall asleep. I think that still counts.
  3. They kinda did on Black Friday night in 2021 during Blade Runner: Black Lotus's run.
  4. Kill la Kill. Not surprisingly, ANN is still panning this show! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/ninja-kamui/episode-11/.210075
  5. And soon, some long-awaited reviews! Now!!! 1-2: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/zom-100-bucket-list-of-the-dead/episodes-1-2/.200400 4.5⭐️ https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/zom-100-bucket-list-of-the-dead/episode-3/.200633 Also 4.5⭐️ https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/zom-100-bucket-list-of-the-dead/episode-3/.200633 Only 3.5⭐️, thanks to "dumb frat boy antics". But come on, as the show rightfully points out, none of these characters have that much of a future, so why not let them frolic a bit? Nine months from now is in the distant future, and zombiism is worse than any potential STD consequences. Her pleasure matters too, and it's pretty clear she wanted one last ride!
  6. My best guess is once the curse is broken, she would have to touch them again to turn them back into toys. We don't know how Midas-like powers end...
  7. They played it AGAIN!? Didn't see THAT coming! 484 got an A-... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-484/.109403 ...and 485 a B+. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-485/.109669 We'll see if it can keep this up for a couple more weeks before an annoyingly long wait for Episode 5 of the arc!
  8. If you can't stop farting, you're not alone!! I kinda crapped my pants at a football game tonight!
  9. So the big bad of the last episode turned out to be just a WUSS!!
  10. Well, these zombies don't fart, but they DO explode, so you could argue Sasuke has it worse than Akira!! 2 AM TONIGHT (4/20/24), ONLY ZOMBAMI ...I MEAN TOONAMI!! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🤖🧟 🧌
  11. Too bad that only lasted for 4 months! 🤷‍♂️ The LEAST they could have done is kept Zom 100 going at Midnight.
  12. These zombies don't fart! But they DO explode!!
  13. The epic tale of revenge is heating up as we build to the final episode!! Not enough to ensnare you? Check out this special preview!! Over 3 minutes of Ninja Kamui goodness! Who the hell is THAT!? Find out tonight (4/20/24) at Midnight! Op: "VENGEANCE" by coldrain And just for the heck of it, here's a video [as] produced of the best fights from the first 6 episodes! Only 3 episodes remain! Only Toonami!!
  14. Replace "1:30" with "1 AM" and you pretty much have it--at least for 3 weeks. Only Toonami!! Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. That started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. The mate was a tactless stretchy boy, the skipper brave and sure. Six passengers set sail that day, for a three decade tour. a three decade tour!? The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Merry would be lost, the Sunny would be lost. The ship took ground on the shore of this crazy cursed isle, with Luffy, and Usopp too, Sanji and Nami, no one's wife, The swordsman, The shipwright and a skeleton too, here on Dressrosa Isle!
  15. Looks that way. They could have left it at Midnight, and started NK at 12:30, but NOPE. 🤦‍♂️ Ratings-wise, it will certainly be interesting to see if any of these marathons makes the Weekly Top 200.
  16. Double One Piece comes at a price. THIS is that price, apparently...
  17. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/ninja-kamui/episode-9/.209657 Yikes... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/ninja-kamui/episode-10/.209823 Better!
  18. Back to the purpose of this thread and getting the hell away from horse semen, it occurs to me that May the 4th will also be the end of the current Primal run, so maybe we'll see a special lineup May 11th? Only problem there is you would have one "normal" week before Memorial Day Weekend (5/25), which I am now expecting to be an 11:30-6 AM Ninja Kamui marathon. But if we're getting a special event May 11th, then they can just run TWO Ninja Kamui marathons back-to-back May 18th and 25th instead. Hey, these double One Pieces we've been blessed with 4/20, 4/27, and 5/4 have to come from SOMEwhere, and so far in 2024 we've only had pre-emptions 1/6 (AOTFCP2) and 3/16 (DBZKai marathon in memoriam of Akira-Sama). For as long as this continues on the "normal" lineup, I'd say we can expect more interruptions.
  19. Welp... Down almost all across the board, but it ain't every day Iran attacks Israel.
  20. Dang it, another week of waking up for the theme song and not much else! 😵‍💫
  21. Huh, wild that the insert song is still in English! And GAME ON!!
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