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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Bummer, man. Yeah, places that are hit and miss are frustrating. So the Philly Cheese Steak place was fine. I probably could've waited until the sandwich had cooled off some before eating it, but I was starving.
  2. lol I'd help ya out if I could.
  3. I have some. I'm just trying to do some things with a laptop I just got from a pawn shop earlier this week. I'm going to start using it for work within the next week or so. I just need to transfer any work-related things to it and I'll be ready to go.
  4. My head hurts. I need some ibuprofen.
  5. Good to know. Thanks.
  6. lol Okay. I mean I don't have any special perms as far as I know. I just wanted to see if anybody else was seeing that.
  7. Is this showing for everybody, or do certain people have power to do so?
  8. lol You should've just told me that from the start. I would've found it for you. đŸ¤£
  9. I've found quite a few banner pics that could be considered funny. (At least to me. You're the ultimate judge after all, Buddy.) This first one is, well, pretty self-explanatory. Here's another one that I think would work extremely well and serve every purpose you're looking for. (Just need to edit it so it doesn't look like it's on the front of a t-shirt.) The next two are from a similar site, but they're posters. (Or can be bought as posters. And I'm not gonna lie: The second one kinda hurts. lol) These last two are just something I'm throwing out there. I don't know. It's a little harder than I thought finding humorous survival pics for the banner pic. But I think this is a pretty good attempt, to say the least.
  10. I found this. Hope it works. (Thank God I kept the Google search for Survival logos open.) You may have to edit the size of the pic on your phone as to make it fit the screen. If I could find a bigger size version of the pic, I would. (But this is just something that caught my eye. Let me find something more in the mold of what you're looking for.)
  11. Which one do you need? Is it for the "avatar" part? Edit: Nevermind. I see the problem.
  12. The weekend is here! Woo hoo!
  13. It happens, man. I get in those moods every once in a while, too. I'd tell you how to handle them, but what works for me may not work for you so what I will tell you is this: Whatever you love doing, keep doing that. It should help ease your mind.
  14. Just people on the internet being people on the internet. lol
  15. Nah, it's cool. Besides, I need to get out of the ThunderDome for a bit. Too much weird crap going on.
  16. (Kidding. Just wanted to keep the thread going.)
  17. I think you're fine, man. I just want to have fun posting.
  18. Check your inbox, Buddy. But for those who want a preview of what I would pick if I had the choice, here.
  19. As soon as I get done with lunch, bud. (Now I can use the obvious Survivor title screen for a club pic, too, right? Or do you want something else entirely? Because I want to make sure I know exactly what you want before I go on my search.)
  20. Fine, fine. Just trying to help. That's all.
  21. Right. So when we get a chance, we need to iron out some of the rules for this thing.
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