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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. He’s a waste.
  2. You thinking something is funny isn’t really valid sometimes. I mean i’ve seen more people laugh at you than with you.
  3. Don’t start.
  4. Retard rage.
  5. Lol. I will just lol at this. Your insults include fat, ugly, piece of shit, etc. i mean if you want to keep going with this whole retard rage thing, you can Sloth. Retard rage is just big, awkward, and not useful. Just like retard dick. You know the porn where their dick is so big and they have to hold it from bending mid fucking. Yeah, that’s you. Superfluous and limp. Take your patchy the anti pirate ass on and rest that stumpy digit.
  6. When i was a little girl, i realized i liked girls, but it wasn’t something you could say then without ridicule, so i acted like it disgusted me. Especially in the town i grew up in. I mean someone spray painted niggers on the side of our house because i had interracial parents who one happened to be black. I tried to hide as much as possible.
  7. I don’t know. It’s just getting old opening a thread to see his irrelevant “over-achieving” digs. I see him as an outsider. He is not Sawdy, Buddy, or Stilgar. At least they throw digs when it’s relevant. They probably should’ve deleted his account. Couldn’t hack it.
  8. Also, does fugg bring it on herself when you mention her in a thread that’s not about her and she hasn’t posted in?
  9. Lol, you can if you’d like. My posts consist of gifs, t-rex stuff, and packard’s pork chops. Don’t get confused with what i meant by saying going hard. I mean you’re trying hard like a button smasher on Tekken who obviously has an appendage disability. You can fit in without trying to be a cunt. I’m not the only person who noticed~
  10. lmao, anyways, keep it up, fuggs.
  11. He mentions her regardless, so... lmao He needs to turn it down a notch.
  12. Bless his heart.
  13. Here ya go. You can search yourself by author. Keywords fuggs or fat.
  14. Yes, that’s true, but since he came back how many times has he mentioned fuggs?
  15. Just to put this out there because i’m sure no one else will. I think it’s odd that Midnight came back after asking his account to be deleted to go hard on fuggs. I mean he mentions her in threads that aren’t by her, about her, and threads she hasn’t even posted in. He is trying to go harder than Sawdy and Buddy usually do. Maybe disco needs to cut the rest of them fingers off so you can reflect.
  16. I want to know what phillies looks like.
  17. Lol. I wasn’t sure what Smule was.
  18. Oml, i just remember him saying this when we skyped. Every time you guys post that line, i get the giggle chills. Z.
  19. She’s a slut for posting hair pictures? ok, rock boy.
  20. I feel bad for glodson. Hope he is alright.
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