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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. And one well worth it at that. A night of Cards Against Humanity, drinks, and music. Oh and games. I COULD invite more people.......
  2. Animal.
  3. Thanks to my Pennsylvania concealed carry permit, I can conceal carry in Rhode Island as well!
  4. Member the number 4? I sure don't.
  5. COYOT E
  6. I'm your ship family...
  7. Come to TC and drink with me on my last night in PA for a month
  8. A cake I drunkenly baked last night and it is BANGINNNN
  9. I might get some while I'm in Mass. :3
  10. I'm taking some with me because the stuff there isn't as good as what I get in the City of Brotherly Love lol
  11. No Jeep things, except I plan to meet EvilBob who happens to drive a TJ lol
  12. I definitely will be
  13. to stay there for a month. In December. Why do I torture myself like this
  14. Next person to post bends over for buttsecks from me.
  15. Because two 12's in a K5 Blazer with the top off is pretty badass. Unfortunately my Mustang will not be able to fit a big sub in the boot, due to a 17x9 spare wheel, the battery, and if I include a sub I'll need amp space as well. This is why I deleted the rear seatbelts. The new back seat is for looks and luggage.
  16. What's the format?
  17. For a while I could only use Pandora or something in my car because the tuner chip I had in it interfered with the antenna for whatever reason. So the only FM I got was at home or in my truck... HD Radio!
  18. I still have good stations where I live
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