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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Gimme 5 mins
  2. I had venisonburger helper
  4. I fucking hate you for this :D
  5. is Super Moist.
  7. Come here. I have Yuengling and deer jerky.
  8. Touche
  9. I am!
  10. I don't celebrate, I fucking drown myself in alcohol.
  11. This was two and three years ago, and PA STILL has yet to put up signs stating which exits and entrances are "EZ-PASS Only". After paying $36 for something that's supposed to be a $2.10 toll, I said NOPE and legit track day'd my Mustang around a sharp bend and through the toll at 95 or so in third, and the Jeep incident I was already doing 70 so I turned overdrive off and punched it But soon I'll be living in RI... and their tri-state area is like the fucking future with its EZ-PASS systems.
  12. I burned a toll at about 95-100mph and another one at about 85-90... Bot my Mustang and Jeep have tinted license plate covers on them though so that might be a factor as to why I was never billed >
  13. I just play GTA or watch other people play games I know I'll suck at
  14. The Playstation and Gran Turismo is what steered me away from being a gamer, but not in a bad way. I just got really good at racing games and faded away from shooters.
  15. No, the wheel bearing in itself is very simple. It's literally 5 bolts and one big nut (lol) and of course taking the wheel off.
  16. Driver's side wheel bearing replacement, and while that's apart I'm replacing an axle seal... which means taking apart the entire passenger side as well just to get a drive axle out of the way. At least I'm saving my mom like $500
  17. I can't do that. I VERY VERY RARELY can wake and booze, I think I've done it like 4 or 5 times in my entire life... though I can dayload any given day. Even when I ate percs all day I couldn't do that until like after lunch Just a self-rule of mine I guess.
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