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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. It's easy.. I post a link to he game, enter the password, enter your name, the rest explains it. I don't currently have a game up but I might f enough people wanna play
  2. My job was completed successfully.
  3. Y U DONT JOIN WHEN I MAKE A NEW GAME Also I told you to specify
  4. ^ that was a joke.....
  5. Oh hi @Tetsusaiga775 <3
  6. Look who got triggered
  7. I am about as much as you are a good driver on GTA 4
  8. Banned for instigating
  9. Downvote
  10. OH, THE cards against HUMANITY
  11. I've got plenty of time to ban you
  12. No, they got merged into one thread and moved to Dumpster Fires. Because that's all you have been spamming. Did I mention spamming is a bannable offense?
  13. They still exist.
  14. You've missed things.
  15. I lived in a house with a glasstop for 10 years, and while I like it... even using the 1973 gas range with issues where I live now cooks better. And new ranges are safer than you can imagine. There's this thing called millivolts which is created by the heat of a flame... if a digital control dos not recognize millivolts, it shuts the gas off.
  16. I love glass tops for cleanliness reasons. but Frigidaire is such garbage and apparently their style is still 2002.
  17. It's... a bit different than Match Game, actually. More like Apples to Apples
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