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Saw a UFO swarm tonight

Guest The Hound

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Guest The Hound

tl;dr I don't believe jack shit besides what I can do my own research on and base my own opinions on.

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Guest The Hound




I mean I know WHERE but you know what I mean



that's so cool!

dey were in ur butt  ::spin::
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I'll give you a perfect example of how you can be considered just as crazy as me.

You're a history buff right?


You don't even know for a fact that the scripts, text, and engravings that your ideals are based on are even properly translated - etc. The same goes for any form of hieroglyphic based language - it's all educated guess work, based on the available information and intelligence that our society is currently graced with. Now please I dare you to tell me everything we believe to have happened in history is 100% true - with no chance of it all being doctored to prevent mass hysteria.


Please try and deny that possibility.


My ideals being based on scripts that may be mistranslated is irrelevant, they are my ideals because they are rational positions, not because they are ancient. They could have been invented last week for all I care. That's the difference between philosophy and religion, religion requires divine mandate, philosophy is just a function of ideas being good enough to pass scrutiny.


Also you believe aliens created humanity, that's a damn sight more crazy than adhering to epicureanism, with a smattering of other philosophical precepts.

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Funny you say "could have been made last week"


by tsathoggua, don't tell me you are one of those, phantom history, middle ages never happened, caesar was jesus, people! The idea that all historians are part of a cover up is about as likely as aliens having created a race of psychotic hairless apes... oh wait you believe that too.

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likely as aliens having created a race of psychotic hairless apes... oh wait you believe that too.

that's more likely than the theory that the apes just happen to evolve just 'cuz ?????? you could just sit around flipping a coin for ALL OF TIME and that would not JUST happen. there's an intelligent design behind it
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that's more likely than the theory that the apes just happen to evolve just 'cuz ?????? you could just sit around flipping a coin for ALL OF TIME and that would not JUST happen. there's an intelligent design behind it


Actually the theory of evolution by natural selection is pretty plausible, hence why the entire scientific discipline and most of the rest of the planet apart from Saudi Arabia and Kansas accept it as fact.


I'd explain how it works but I'm not being paid to do so.

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that's more likely than the theory that the apes just happen to evolve just 'cuz ?????? you could just sit around flipping a coin for ALL OF TIME and that would not JUST happen. there's an intelligent design behind it




The woodwork is emptying out

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This is literally what I saw  :D  Funny how people's stories on these matters coincide all the time - yet you have borish disbelievers that always pop out and try to put asinine logic to these situations.




Not going to lie tho, I used to think peoples ufo talk was a bunch of bullshit, like the weird stuff on the Ancient Aliens show (still kinda do think it)

but seeing that was weird and thoroughly freaked me out.

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Not going to lie tho, I used to think peoples ufo talk was a bunch of bullshit, like the weird stuff on the Ancient Aliens show (still kinda do think it)

but seeing that was weird and thoroughly freaked me out.


I think I missed your post but if someone earnestly insists they saw something like what op described and I'm inclined to believe them I chalk it up to "military if true."

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I think we should all remember what the U in UFO stands for, it does not stand for, "Its dem aliens come to probe mai anus!" which by the way I think is a repressed homosexual fantasy that ignorant rednecks have hence the abduction stories.


The aliens put the gay thoughts in their heads at night to cover up the real memories of being probed to orgasm

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I think I missed your post but if someone earnestly insists they saw something like what op described and I'm inclined to believe them I chalk it up to "military if true."

Yeah I usually think that too. Last year there was a freaky light that a whole bunch of people saw (myself included) that nobody knew what it was until the navy said it was a missile test (I think thats what they said it was, don't remember)  a few days later.

But still, its one thing hearing all those stories and it's another seeing something weird like that yourself

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I think we should all remember what the U in UFO stands for, it does not stand for, "Its dem aliens come to probe mai anus!" which by the way I think is a repressed homosexual fantasy that ignorant rednecks have hence the abduction stories.

Also a good point.

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Guest The Hound

by tsathoggua, don't tell me you are one of those, phantom history, middle ages never happened, caesar was jesus, people! The idea that all historians are part of a cover up is about as likely as aliens having created a race of psychotic hairless apes... oh wait you believe that too.

There's something wrong with you if you don't watch Vsauce.
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Guest The Hound

Not going to lie tho, I used to think peoples ufo talk was a bunch of bullshit, like the weird stuff on the Ancient Aliens show (still kinda do think it)

but seeing that was weird and thoroughly freaked me out.

Yeah. I have seen more and more shit in the last few years, so the skeptic in me is dwindling.
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I mean considering the drake equation, I think you're wrong lol.

...you really don't understand the point of the Drake equation, then.  It was a series of conjectures designed to generate discussion on the steps required to detect a hypothetical advanced extraterrestrial civilization, not a testable scientific formula.  Most of the values used have no real locked-down range and thus produce a result that varies by many orders of magnitude depending on the initial assumptions used.  I'd advise you read into the Fermi paradox, or look up the fantastic sci-fi short story They're Made Out of Meat.


tl;dr I don't believe jack shit besides what I can do my own research on and base my own opinions on.

So I guess you'd treat yourself for cancer if you happened to contract it, then?

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Guest The Hound

You literally can't talk about aliens without people acting like jackasses and imposing boring opinions on each other, literally anywhere in the world.

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You literally can't talk about aliens without people acting like jackasses and imposing boring opinions on each other, literally anywhere in the world.

Yeah man, evidence-based science and rational thinking are sooooo dull!

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Guest The Hound

Yeah man, evidence-based science and rational thinking are sooooo dull!

Yea but you can't prove otherwise.
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Guest The Hound

I used to, now I mostly watch scishow, and pbs spacetime, also Kurzgesagt when they happen to produce an episode... like this one



I mean.

The reason why I believe so firmly as to why they exist, and why they are here around or on earth, is precisely because of how valuable the earth it. It has PLENTY of time left to sustain life (well in a scenario where we stop fucking shit up), and IF there is nearby extraterrestrial intelligence, it wouldn't be so far-fetched to think they would keep an eye on the Earth to some degree. We have had such a limited amount of time to developer technologies since the discovery of electricity that a civilization that is exponentially older - would view the earth as a resource and nothing more - but most likely viewing mining and harvesting the planet as something trivial and pointless.



Kardeshev scale baby.

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I mean.

The reason why I believe so firmly as to why they exist, and why they are here around or on earth, is precisely because of how valuable the earth it. It has PLENTY of time left to sustain life (well in a scenario where we stop fucking shit up), and IF there is nearby extraterrestrial intelligence, it wouldn't be so far-fetched to think they would keep an eye on the Earth to some degree. We have had such a limited amount of time to developer technologies since the discovery of electricity that a civilization that is exponentially older - would view the earth as a resource and nothing more - but most likely viewing mining and harvesting the planet as something trivial and pointless.



Kardeshev scale baby.

...valuable?  Again, what could a civilization that was capable of large-scale interstellar travel possibly want here?  Nothing about the Earth's composition is particularly unique.  There would be literally thousands, if not millions, of other solar systems between us and any far-flung travelers, full of far more accessible resources.  Hell, just in our own solar system, we could mine the shit out of the asteroid belt and other terrestrial bodies for millions of years.  In the grand scheme of things, to paraphrase Carl Sagan, our planet is an insignificant speck of dust, floating on a sunbeam.


Again, the Fermi paradox.  If these galaxy-spanning civilizations really exist as you say, then where the hell are they?


Yea but you can't prove otherwise.

This is not how proof works.  If you make an extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is on you to provide testable evidence for it, and at least attempt to discount current explanations.  And no,  a simple "I saw some lights moving around!" does not constitute testable evidence.

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I mean.

The reason why I believe so firmly as to why they exist, and why they are here around or on earth, is precisely because of how valuable the earth it. It has PLENTY of time left to sustain life (well in a scenario where we stop fucking shit up), and IF there is nearby extraterrestrial intelligence, it wouldn't be so far-fetched to think they would keep an eye on the Earth to some degree. We have had such a limited amount of time to developer technologies since the discovery of electricity that a civilization that is exponentially older - would view the earth as a resource and nothing more - but most likely viewing mining and harvesting the planet as something trivial and pointless.



Kardeshev scale baby.


>Cites Drake equation as proof of alien life

>Says the Earth is unique and valuable in any way to any beings aside from Earhlings


Like you know there's billions of Earths right

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Guest The Hound

>Cites Drake equation as proof of alien life

>Says the Earth is unique and valuable in any way to any beings aside from Earhlings


Like you know there's billions of Earths right

yea but planets residing in the goldilocks zone isn't as common. I'm starting to think your butthole was touched by aliens bro.
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Guest The Hound

I mean I hate how people blindly follow government shushes. Unexplained UFO phenomenon happens all over the world, so far as even certain countries have declassified everything they know about them (even claiming they exist), BUT HERE in 'murica our last 4 presidents have requested to know everything, and they're told fuck off.  :D :D :D



Keep being sheeple guys.

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Guest The Hound

Oh and every government official or Nasa employee who has stepped down and admitted their presence is just a tinfoil hat wearing moron  ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin::





:fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:

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I mean I hate how people blindly follow government shushes. Unexplained UFO phenomenon happens all over the world, so far as even certain countries have declassified everything they know about them (even claiming they exist), BUT HERE in 'murica our last 4 presidents have requested to know everything, and they're told fuck off.  :D :D :D



Keep being sheeple guys.

Just gonna call Poe's Law on this entire conversation.

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Guest The Hound

Just gonna call Poe's Law on this entire conversation.



Finally. Christ you guys are gullible.

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Guest The Hound

The skeptic in me got a slap in the face that night

Now I feel I must rethink some things  -_'

I'm playing along with these gullible idiots.


Remember this huge nasa fuck up?





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Guest The Hound

Actually. I found the original



I remember the day this happened it was all over the internet, and then shit like this just dies down.



that is the original video as I remember going to https://helioviewer.org/ myself that day and checking it out.  It was parked in the same location for multiple hours before dashing off.



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Guest The Hound

Like literally everything about that video was refuted with nonsense science from every source besides nasa as they tried to ignore the fact it happened and didn't even mention a damned thing about it.

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Guest The Hound

I'm already predicting which disinformation articles get posted as a response to this.



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Guest The Hound

Your beliefs are a product of severe mental illness


And you're just a dumb guy on top of it

There we go.


I was waiting for an insult.





Just shows you how shallow your beliefs are  ;)

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Guest The Hound

I've seen a ufo before

Me too.

I've lost count now at how many I've spotted.

I also went to a darksky zone before and my mind was blown away.

Mostly all satellites wizzing past but the wonderful thing was seeing so many shooting stars that are ALWAYS up there in front of us but not visible due to light pollution  </3

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Guest The Hound

Smileys won't save you

I don't need your shitty opinion.

I'm going to a social gathering in about 30 minutes, so...



Unless your name is Zeni you can't tilt me.


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