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Are u suurree?

This guys a


I herd he even advised the potus dix before  :o ::spin::


Yeah but he's a retard, so he'd have to.



Ofc it is. Its bc i left it.

Dont worreh im here

Lets mess this place up! ?


Def the reason!


I'm all for it >_> <_<

Let's rekt it.


Hey ghosty!!


How are u?

U get back to kagome godzilla stories?


I am good I guess same old shit diffrent day 


i will wirte some good stoires


Laaackkzzz im gewd im gewd

Jus working :( getting more money but less rest lol.


How bout u?


I hear ya! I think I've felt that way for the last several years  :D but that's life  S:


Anyways, good seeing ya. It always pleases me when another ADer shows up  :D


Lol ADers i rmb when we had an AD :(

I rmb other boards being confused by us lol so i made a thread explaining our weeby humor and memes and jargon lol.


But ya glad ur still around lacks!

I know u added me on fb? But idk lotta ppls real names

Sooo im nvr sure whose from asmb and wut their usernames were on there

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