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gravity falls knock off art style aside it's one of the better Reboots CN has done



it's more comedy based like several other terrible ones, but it still has some action (probably because the same company is still doing it unlike the other reboots), and the animation is okay


Kevin doesn't seem to exist though...probably because they couldn't figure out how to make his backstory comedic and still have him be a likeable character


basically the new Ben10 has a lot in common with the original powerpuff girls



I only liked the original

I didn't strongly like or dislike any of the Ben 10 series


they've always been bland to me


the original was cute in an "American Cutey honey knock off" kind of way


but then all the sequels took themselves way too seriously, except for Onmiverse which I never watched because I found the art style off putting


shame, it apperently did some cool things (like establish that the Ben 10 canon is shared by several other action based CN shows, the Secret Saturdays to name one)



I liked Generator Rex though


I hated the theme song but I kinda liked the original....No real interest in getting involved with a reboot tho

it's very different


main differences

1. As mentioned above it's more comedic than action based

2. Gwen is nice

3. Ben is much less stupid (which is carried over from Omniverse)

4.Ben and Gwen like camping (in the original I recall them both thinking Camping with grandpa max was awful)


basically main difference is that Ben and Gwen are much nicer children in general than they were in the original


side note: Ben calls some of the Aliens he fights in one episode "Clods"


maybe this version of Ben 10 shares a universe with Steven Universe

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