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I place the blame on those... interesting squishy noises during the sex scenes. Shizuka doesn't seem to like them, either.



Welcome to the world of stock hentai sound effects.


Girls und Panzer 6

TFS Plays Xenoverse 2 7

Dragonball Super 31


Shirokuma Cafe 50(END) - A very wholesome, comforting series I'm sad to see end. If only it had 50 more episodes. 8/10


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 5

Hunter x Hunter (2011) 64

Youkai Watch 23


  • Knight's & Magic #9
  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #9
  • Tsuredere Children #2 and #3
  • Girls und Panzer #10 to #12 (END)


I'm going to put everything in this one post (thoughts correspond to chronological bullet points) so it doesn't look awkward. I do have a lot to say, after all. Also, there are genuine GuP spoilers here, so if you're Poke or someone else watching this for the first time, don't go much further.

  • Oh goodness, so we finally get to see who the villains are. You see, they're very nihilistic, and that red moon over their castle means everything in this place is obviously evil. But at least they brought the red-haired lady back, so that really was foreshadowing in regards to her finding out the idea to make new Knight Runners. But alas, this show is apparently only one cour (three Japanese BDs, and apparently four episodes on each), and I've come too far as an anime watcher to epouse disapproval at there being no ending, so I'll ride it out peacefully.
  • This episode... wasn't much different than anything else, but I did like seeing Shizuka stand up for herself for a change. The show has leaned too much on Stockholm Syndrome and Ryou getting away with harassment in public places (seriously, how did he manage to clean up in the ferris wheel car?). When this show is done, I might head over to TVTropes and say that it killed the otoko no ko genre more than Himegoto ever did. :poop:
  • Yeah, I thought this would be a gag-a-minute show full of slapstick, fugue, and other stupid comedy, but it's a lot more subtle than that. And yet the masochist yellow-haired guy is the most repeatable character here, if not my favorite. It's not violently laugh out loud funny, but pretty sublime in how it depicts the various relationships. And the animation is okay, but I feel it takes the modern day trends of "NO HARD OUTLINES WHATSOEVER! DETAILED GRADIENT EYES! OBNOXIOUS PASTEL COLORS EVERYWHERE!" too far.
  • God, that was great. It did take me a while to get into (I originally stopped after the fourth episode), perhaps because my mindset regarding tanks takes me to some... rather dark places. That, and the time they first performed the goddamn Anglerfish Dance. But in the end, it's something you really have to be in the right mindset for to fully enjoy. And the tank battles were spread out very well overall. Some of them just seemed to be there for the sole purpose of epousing character development, like when Miho was told straight that the school would be closing if they didn't win the tournament, and yet it didn't pressure her much. Now, I do think that particular plot point is a little cheap, since the cynical parts of me expect that Oorai has to remain open somehow so the franchise can continue... to make money. It was either, they win outright, or they lose in the finals and yet the higher-ups think they did so well that they keep it open so they can have another shot at the title.


And then the movie comes along and decides to shamelessly negate their victory, so I can't help but think the latter scenario would've worked out better.


  • But yeah, I'm glad I stuck with it. And the final match against Kuromorimine was extremely well done, with pacing on par with Yuri!!! On ICE that juiced every exciting moment out of the plot it could. Ultimately, I'd give this one an 8/10. And the dub was good all around, only having the occasional weird pronunciation that took me out of a scene.



Rewatched Your Lie in April 4


Because watching literally anything else this week is an inconvenient bitch, and that's not even taking grad school into account.


Still, inconvenience or not, one fact remains: Wendee Lee's singing of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" made me very uncomfortable, and not in a good way. ohno



Meanwhile, I don't start school until after Labor Day weekend, so all that free time is good for... being bored, I guess, but also for watching anime. And why would I stop?

  • Birdy the Mighty OVA #1


Yes indeed. I'll talk about this in-depth after I watch all four, and before starting iM@S.






Also, hooray for my first 4:3 ratings images.


  • WorldEnd #5


Konbini Kareshi 6


Now THAT was an excruciating cliffhanger.


blueraven1999[/member] New Game Season 1 only had one "!" so technically your Season 2 Episode 2 way of numbering it is objectively wrong! :D :D :D



blueraven1999[/member] New Game Season 1 only had one "!" so technically your Season 2 Episode 2 way of numbering it is objectively wrong! :D :D :D


That's pretty minor though.  It's still season 2.  There was definitely a lot of time between seasons.

If I think if of it, I'll only include one ! but I really don't care.


Tsuredure Children #4 and #5

Birdy the Mighty OVAs #2 and #3



The bullets have been taken out back and shot. I still like the pound signs before a number, though. I'll keep 'em at least for now to continue my ways of being subversive among the group.






[goodbye melancholy]







Hunter x Hunter 1999 20


As far as filler goes, the Hunter Exam Stage 3.5 mini-arc, a.k.a. The Boat Arc, was pretty damn good. It was nice seeing all the applicants put aside any potential differences to work together in freeing themselves from their inescapable situation with what they had. (Hell, even Tonpa put aside his rookie-crushing in favor of joint survival.) I found the most enjoyment in some of the foreshadowing of character interactions (i.e., Ponzu and the snake guy sharing a room, Gon saving Geretta from being potentially drowned), as well as Hanzo getting higher relevance and the sniper chick finally getting some lines. Bonus points for Hisoka and Illumi spending most of the arc doing nothing before pulling off their own Big Damn Heroes moments. :D



Akame ga Kill! #6

Birdy the Mighty OVA #4

Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #10






My computer's Windows installation somehow shot itself and bled out a registry error, so I can't do ratings for the latter right now. :robotmad



Since yesterday:


Steins;Gate Episodes 12 - 19

Stardust Crusaders Episodes 2 - 5

Tokyo Ghoul Episodes 17 - 20

Dragon Ball Super Episode 28


I'm starting to play a bit of catchup with a lot of the Toonami shows; August was busy for me and I really haven't been able to watch the block since July.  As for Steins;Gate, the series got me at a really good part, and I've just been watching a lot of it.  Should have it finished by the end of the week at this rate.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica #3

Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat #7 to #9

Knight's & Magic #10


So obviously, I'm going to talk about the most obscure show.


The humor is... maybe in good spirits, but it's too anarchic for me. I liked the episode with the nature footage just for how inherently insane it was. The next one, not so much. Turning into a giant robot based exactly on what one particular character said before transforming? That shit just makes me groan. You can have the characters get into bizarre situations and show unnerving tendencies that never existed before and successfully mine humor out of them, but when you drop the audience into such a thing right away and make it the entire joke, it's nowhere near as effective.


And then the show had the audacity to fit in a serious episode, or at least one that's devoid of jokes but not really dramatic, and talking about how the mother of the character who turned into a cat died. And the next episode after that (which just aired today) is almost entirely taken up by one conversation backed by shots of the female characters' undersides with even the tiniest bits of their panties censored out. This all comes dangerously close to not being a joke at all, especially when nothing else is happening. I only laughed at the end when the audience(!?) swooned when a male character came in wearing short shorts.


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